Weight Reduction: Human Edition

good luck man im.starting to go back to lifting and burning fat im260 and 6’3 i hate how i feel no energy anymore but i was 240 and lean i felt great thats were i wanna be

Fish Oil is your friend for joint issues.

Fish will be consumed frequently, going right to the source for that shit.

I wouldnt let sully train me, he’s a fat pile.

:lol… wait… :cry:

Sully is the only human being who can consume 1000g of carbs daily and still not put on fat.


I can attest to this.

I’ve been ~155 since like 9th grade :lol. Only recently have I gained weight, mostly muscle I think though. Up to 168 as of right now.

Bullshit, I barely eat any breads when I’m at work. Outside of work is another story. Haha. Just polished off a peanut butter cup cookie, zomg.

i resent you so much right now, you have no idea.
im at like 230 and im 5’5" and 16. i need to lose like 50lbs.

True. Salads all day for you. Ill stick to my usuals :lmao

all sorts of weight loss ITT! good to hear JD

Peoples gettn jacked upppp itt!! great to hear best of luck!

same shit… never have broke 160 even when i am being a lazy bastard and eating junk all day.

I’m 5’8" and I was at about 195 this summer at my worst. I dieted for a couple weeks in the beginning of november I fell of the wagon a week before thanksgiving. I started up again this week and I’m down to 180 today. My goals are to lose another 10 lbs over the next 4-5 weeks for my PT test in the military, and then down to 160lbs over the few months after that.

I use myfitnesspal.com to log all the food I’m eating. Its easy to use and has just about everything in the database, so no excuses for me not knowing what I’m eating even from restaurants. It keeps me very focused. I cut most of my calorie soda out. Right now I’m eating ~1600 cals a day. Before I started I thought there was no way I could eat only 1600 a day but its actually not that bad. I still eat what I want just less of everything. Preparing my foods early in the day sets me up for success. Lean turkey meat and chicken is filling and all protein.

Down to 298lbs today. It’s nice to break into the 2xx range again!

Nice dude

U know what I’m doing , hope it meats your approval .

Just watch your Micro/Macro’s.

i cut down to drinking 8 times a week and am 3 weeks into p90x, down 8 lbs and feel better than i have in years, can’t wait to see how i’m feeling at day 90