Weight Reduction: Human Edition

Nigguh what the fuck is juice

He means roids

Test, brah.

I wouldn’t waste a cycle on weight loss, though.

You idiots.


Watch this documentary, it was really good. It’s about Micro nutrient juicing.

(Also on Netflix)

I didn’t make it through the whole thread, but good luck man and stick with it. I used to weigh 250lbs when I was in 9th grade, I went on a diet and dropped nearly 70lbs. I’m sure you saw the pic I put up on FB where I was getting shit from all the non gym goers last night. But I’ve been hitting the gym pretty hard the last 10 weeks and I’ve seen some awesome gains. Before I started in November I was around 205lbs. I weighed in yesterday at 199lbs but with two belt sizes smaller. I got my 31" waist back (started out at a 38 way back in the day).
I could give two shits about what people said on that picture, I’m proud of what I’ve done with my body over time and naturally at that without any steriods cutters etc. I don’t see it being any different than somebody posting a picture of their car.

Hit me up if you want to chat about it sometime man, I’m full of random knowledge about the subject.

Can you PM me your food intake daily? like what you eat and what not. i wanna see if im on the right track.

ROFL, my bad. I was suggested by some other people to do a test cycle. Micro nutrient juicing sounds gimmicky, but I’ll certainly give it a look. Thanks bro.

just dont mix them with PCP. One or the other at a time.

It is a gimmick-calories in vs. calories out is ALL that matters.

It makes sense to get your diet back on track, I wouldn’t do it for a crazy amount of time though.

Also, people think you can just take roids and you get big/lose weight. It doesn’t work that way. lulz

Best pre-workout routine:


That would work too, little pricey though.

Ritalin works too.

  1. 8lbs today… I’ll take it.

Nothing major to report today. 291.2lbs this morning.

Seems to be going fine. I did have a ton of sodium yesterday so the loss is likely lower than it would be otherwise. We’ll know in a couple days if I get a loss spurt.

I lost 6.4 pounds last week. God job Jdaniels

Didn’t even read the 4 pages of this thread, but I understand the gist.

I’m here to inform that I’m joining the ranks as late night constant stacks haven’t done me any good.

At 172 pounds at the start of this.

Dropped 12 lbs since my move. Been eating fairly healthy, working out or playing tennis/racquetball every day. Currently weighing in at 216.

Damn my “fat weight” is for many of you, your target weight :lol

I can’t get down to 172, its unrealistically low for me with muscle gain that I want.

I’d consider my perfect number in the mid to upper 190s.

How tall are you?