Weight Reduction: Human Edition

6’ 1’’. I’ve already been at the 198 mark and was 12% body fat (last April), so if I can get back there I’ll be happy.

I cant remember the last time I was below 200.

I was there for about 2 weeks, finals came up and studying took over life so I stopped hitting the gym as hard. I held at about 210 for most of the summer purely lifting.

I got down to around 210 over the summer but I added a little bit back, some normal, some muscle and some extra.

That was when it was over 100* inside at work and I was sweating my ass off all day for a week or more.

Oh alright. I’m 5’ 7" on a good day.

I just gained it back during the semester. I’m surprised how quick that weight dropped. Now its onto the weight that’s been there a while…

I find I have a weight that I can maintain without working out, (210), versus having to work hard to stay at 200.

Given the amount of time I have in my schedule these days I would love to see myself under 200 again though.

How much weight are you trying to lose then?

My weight barely budges even if I get into a solid routine of work out and watching what I eat.

Running isn’t easy on the knees anymore nor does the weather help.

I’d love to run over 3 miles like I used to again.

To just cut, I’d like to be in low 160’s again.

If I wanted to bulk I’d be happy in this weight range once muscle is gained and cut.

I’m going to try really hard to hit 280 flat by next Wednesday, no matter how unreasonable it might sound. I have a planned cheat Feb 1st (my birthday!) and massive amounts of Italian food will be consumed on that day. I’ll likely just have a “stall” for a few days, but I doubt it will affect me very much at all.

This week, I am going to start 45-90min cardio 3-4x a week. I MUST hit 200 by October for vacation and I WILL hit 180 by next January. Fuck this shit, I’m tired of being fat.

291.2 again today due to water retention/swelling (arthritis acting up), the next drop in weight should be a good one though!

Keep up the good work.

Your progress as well as other’s might just motivate me to get ass moving as well. :lol

You can do it man!

I did an hour on the elliptical a day for 5 months strait and dropped 65lbs in that time. No major diet change until the last 10lbs. With major diet change I’m sure you can do 100lbs in that same time!

I know a few small habit dietary changes can go a long way alone.

I’ll do my best… next week :rofl

The best day to start anything is tomorrow :lol

true, oh wait… actually i have that thing tomorrow remember?

Slow progress is still progress.

290.6lbs this morning – hitting the gym tonight.

i gained .2 pounds in the last two days da fuck. Gotta hit the bike after.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I can gain as much as 5lbs if I consume too much sodium in a day, but it’s typically gone (and then some) within 48 hours. If your calories are on par, fuck it.

225 and seem to have hit a plateau there

Id like to gain 30lbs, yupp i said gain, today at work i wheighed in @ 133lbs @ 6’1… id like to see in the 160-70s with a buff tone…