Weird clutch issues

2002 Subaru WRX: just starting yesterday, when I push my clutch to the floor, and let it out, it come up, then feels like it comes up more, I don’t really know how to describe it. Almost like its sticking to my shoe, it’s not -_- I checked lol. Original clutch. Any ideas?

check your fluid, that’s step 1

Fluid is fine… But someone took my fucking cap!

fluid isn’t going to stay fine if you need a cap. You may need the cap for suction pressure, although i am not 100% sure. that is deffinately the first thing i would go and do though

Yeah it can cause problems with the shifting. It’s hard to shift… I hate people

They stole your clutch reservoir cap??

Yeah you need another cap on the reservoir. If it gets low on fluid enough to suck in air, your going to press the clutch in and hardly get any actual pressure plate movement out of the clutch pack… and pressing it to the floor to shift wont disengage the clutch, and that won’t let you shift very well between gears.

get a cap asap, then bring it down and we can flush and bleed the system.

How would someone steal your cap, anyways? they’d have to pop open your hood to do that.

I was stupid and had my oil changed -_-

fucking jiffy lubers

takes a real scumbag to pull that move.

It’s not that u will loose pressure without the cap it’s that the fluid soaks up moisture from the air and that creates air bubbles in the system too

Yeah my clutch is like sticking and loose feeling, and it’s hard to get into gear. I am pissssssed

Yeah its got air in it already then. just check the level and top it off a bit if you need to drive it. take a baggie and a rubber band, put the baggy over it and put the rubber band round the threads to hold it on there and keep shit out of it. find a cap asap.

Jake, you dont have one kicking around from that swap you did do ya?

Thanks mikey :slight_smile:

Sounds like the engine is on its way out.

Problems - it’s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.

Haha. You mad bro?

don’t have an extra cap, sorry. i bet fred on unysoc does though, or he can get you one form the dealership

can you kindly PM Amanda freds info so she can figure it out?


correct brake fluid is very hydroscopic (spelled wrong), so you not only need to replace the cap you need to change the fluid.

What’d you have some super sweet custom fluid reservoir cap? Why would someone at a jiffy lube steal such a thing? Why would you take your car to jiffy lube in the first place?

The vibes from all the knocking rods probably jimmied it loose, unbeknownst to the owner.