Welding rusted rockers

Does anyone have any experience in welding out pieces of rusted metal on the rockers and welding new pieces in? (specifically on an s13…)

Does welding a new piece in weaken or strengthen the frame at all?

Is this considered safe or would it be incredibly frowned upon come inspection time?

I’m looking at another project 240, which happens to have substantial rocker rust. I couldn’t care less about wheel well rust or anything like that, but there are holes right through the rockers and I’m wondering if it’s even worth it to repair it or leave it be.

easy , get a grinder cut out the canser. Get some sheet metal off bodyshop supply shape it and mig it in. Sand it , than some fiberglass, some sanding. Done.Seam seal it on the other side to prevent rust, undercoat the wheel well if needed.

Ur rockers are metal, so reweldded properly ur frame will not be weaker in anyway. By replacing rust if anything you make ur rockers stronger.And inspection wise as long as you did it properly covered the welds with seamsealer/fiberglass/undercoated etc basicly did it by the book those rocker will outlast the car.

$$$ if you take it to the shop get ready to bend over…
do it yourself isn’t too bad just takes time.

What he said…just make sure you cut out all the rust! Also rockers use a little thicker sheet metal than the rest of the car, not sure what’s used on a 240, someone here will add i’m sure…