
Oh yeah To the Noob forum :rolleyes:

I’m not a noob… I’m Euro dads wife

NOOB! :smiley:

Quote from Atkins website…
“Avoid coffee, tea and soft drinks that contain caffeine. Excessive caffeine has been shown to cause low blood sugar, which can make you crave sugar”

Not !!!=)

Right but thats saying it may make you crave other than that it doesn;t hurt you to have it. Did you ever drink Coffee black? you’d crave sugar too…lol I want to see what it says about the splenda just because I’m interested.

I know a lot of the Docs I work with are doing low carb diets (no there not huge too) and they use splenda like its going out of style. :dunno:

It says… and I quote…
You must not:
Use more than 3 packets of Splenda daily.

It says later that each packet should be counted as 1 carb

I’m not saying you’re wrong… I’m saying it is not unlimited.
I would never drink coffee black… gross
Splenda is good. It is almost twice as sweet as sugar. We have some at home… Eurodad just hasn’t tried it yet

yeah thats what I’m asking but I want to see why they say it. Probably because its not one of their Buisness partners liek Subway or somthing :smiley:

It must be in that “Craving Claim” because there is and I quote “Nothing but Taste” in splenda :smiley:

Posted inthe NOOB forum… Happy now??? hahahaha

I’m looking for why they say only 3 packets…

This is all I can find…
The Atkins preference, however, is sucralose (Splenda™), the only sweetener made from sugar. Sucralose is safe, noncaloric and does not raise blood sugar. It has been used in Canada for years, and the FDA recently approved it after reviewing more than 100 studies conducted over the past 20 years. Note that each packet of sugar substitute contains about 1 gram of carbohydrate, so don’t forget to include the amount in your daily totals.

:blah: :blah: :blah:


the atkins diet is horrible for u

wait in the long run…when ppl start ruining ther kidneys…my mom is a dietican(sp) and she says it is one of the worst diets…its only good to get rid of fat quick…

Well then some one is lying about the content of Splenda with the 1 gram of carbs. An I;m 99.9% sure its not splenda since they have to disclose everything about their product on the side of the box by law. Adkins is probaly pissed splenda is making a killing money wise and they havn;t “jumped on baord” like the sell outs at subway and shit with their 6 dollar “adkins wraps” that measure about 3 inches long and tatse like complete shit :smiley:

And even that statement contricticts its self.

“Sucralose is safe, noncaloric and does not raise blood sugar”
then to:
“Note that each packet of sugar substitute contains about 1 gram of carbohydrate”

That is not possible to have a Gram of carbs because it would have to be shown on the side of the box. Especially being 1 gram. Now I could see if they said “A Trace of carbs” like you will see a lot during the diet but it doesn’t. It gives it a weight and a pretty noticlbe weight which is false.

eurodad Knock yours self out with it dude :x: :booty:

That’s cause you’ve lose 60 lbs and can see your pecker to do more of


Seriously though Atkins diet has not long term studies cause noone has been on it for long periods of time to find out what it’s gonna do to you. I don’t agree with cutting carbs out of your diet as it’s the main source of energy for your body. You don’t know how the body will react when you reintroduce them, you could possibly gain the weight back.

It’s better to have a lifestyle change, spend $1000 on yourself and get a home gym and mount a T.V. on thew all in the room and make yourself use it for 20/30 minutes a day 3/4 times a week.

I’m doing the same myself…

200lb’s isn’t bad, but I need to put muscle mass back on and get rid of the beer fucking gut I got from sitting behind this desk all damn day…

That’s why Jeff’s so skinny.

And you know he’s doin this? :gaysex:

you just said you know jeff masturbates all the time. :ugh:

No Shaggy is. Jeff’s doesn’t need to.

Doesn’t need to - he can have me whenever he wants.