went from KA-T to SR

whats there to explain… we all friends, we all like getting together to watch movies, play video games, eat some nice food, improve on cars, reach da club… just friends that have eachothers backs… is that not what friends do!!!

yes it is what freinds do , thats why its called being freinds, with enough respect/clout/fame/street cred, u dont need a name to be known by , people just know u , end of story

BURN … man … that was hardcore. its like, reality was the pavement, and you just hit it hard. ouch

people have been knowing me since the days when i had my civics!!.. so wait now that im apart of a team, i cant be reppin it… that sounds stupid!! your basically telling me i cant be proud of something im helping to build!!

Anyway back on track, nitescream if you want to go Sr you know the Team has your back.

And for the other guys with the jokes, we are not trying to be like the movie Fast and Furious, I started the Team to get some guys off the road and on too the track!!!, last year we were not organize, but this summer we will be.