went to summit yesterday






Why did you buy the screen?

i figured you’d ask about that…haha
it’s getting connected to dsmlink for my engine management so i don’t have to look at the passanger seat for the laptop

ricer drink :rolleyes:

  1. he got a good deal on it

  2. hes really just another dam ricer

he needs to get a AEM cause DSM link isn’t goin to cut it

Thats what I figured :smiley:

Care to explain?

he is goin to use some rediculous turbo. and basically has a pure race car so why “half ass it” when you have all that into it?

Because DSMLink isn’t half-assing anything, and you said that DSMLink “wouldn’t cut it.”

dsmlink > aem go read

oh on a side note the power i want has been done a couple times on the stock ecu

fuck AEM EMS

wow I really think you may have ridden the short bus.

AEM is a full standalone that plugs into the factory harness…DSM link is just another band-aid.

here we go. another battle of the retards

I can speak from experience, I had the AEM EMS in my car for maybe a week, thing was a such a hassle. I would rather use a piggy back style management on the factory ECU.

what the hell is AEM??

plug and play replacement ECU that you allows you free reign as far as tuning.

DSMLink is much more user-friendly, and will easily propel a car into the 9’s.

this thread needs more brokeasskorean