Went up a couple jets

Unless Lancaster started cracking down I know a lot of people who went low 7s with no issues

they used to let me slide when they did those midnight races and then moved them to daytime. the ones that all the street heros were going to. but on regular test/tune they would try to stick it up my ass in tech and then come running over to me telling me to shut it down im done etc…so i guess it just depends maybe on if there on to you or not.

on a thur you will be fine. get some seat time.

oh and keep searching the timeslip data bases.

fmf welcome back

All we need now is JnJ Jackstands to chime in and maybe an appearance from badazz racing.

thanks big guy, but my stay will probably be short lived as i no longer have my car and can only play spectator for so long before feeling a tad bit…gay. i am getting that warm and fuzzy feeling though from posting again.

I didnt think there was one lol so 6.2 @111 is what I got to beat. :tup:

And no FMF isnt back.

fuk jnj he is a fggt

willing to bet a nickle u have a flammed turd still

ok beat it, then call me out. =] fyi - 6.2 @ 111 is not my best either

I want to know your best so when I beat that there is no BS. So post up the secret time slip if there is one .

u will need to beat my “6.2 at 111” to beat my best.

and we dont race 1/8… get with the times bro

come next wed man!!! should be a good time

choda stop being snky thats so 2005…get with the times bro. HONESTY!

That shouldnt be a problem on low timing :wink: so spill the beans whats your best time man lol 3:42 28" tall tire with 3400 stall 1/8 mile baby ha

This is a great read, i wanna see this go down!

its in the database fools. beat the times and take the crown. I plan on breaking that posted 9.7 friday. and again on wed.

Don’t forget our N/A race on Wed.

Yeah I know it’s in the database 9.7 in the 1/4 = 6.2 @111 in the 1/8. Well I think I’ll have the car ready next week. Dont plan on beating a 6.2 the first time out but think it should break into the 6s :slight_smile:

ill have your hundo ready

now your using calcs… dude how are we going to be bros when u do gay shit.

Dude just post the SLIP HAHA I dont get why you wouldnt want to post a time slip. Wait because you are BSing !

HAHA! You have this in the bag. You can go spend my hundo it’s so guarenteed you’ll win. Do you want just a franklin? 50s? 20s?

I have choda’s slip :snky: his best time was when he ran me.
