West End Meet...every wednesday

If your there Chris with Nick ill swing by.

i guess i’ll go if the rain lets up a bit, i dont know though, all this rain is rather annoying

ill drop by derry/10th around 9ish, if anyone else is coming out

Im definetly not showing up tonight the cars going into Nissan tomorrow morning :slight_smile: Plus the rain isnt helping my cause.

Who’s going tomorrow? I’ll prolly be there in my rx again unless i can get my 240 running during the day

Last week was horrible… it was just Luis and me there with one more other guy… that’s it. We stayed for 30min. and took off…
I’ll show up today if a few people come out…

Ill stop by buddy

I’ll come by

So…is there gonna be a meet today?

im going to be there my girlfriend is gunna bring her 240 and her friend. so i also know my other buddy with a champaine hatch is gunna come

I might show up just to go for a drive. Lets see how it goes.

EDIT : eehhkk just mapped it up thats quite teh ways away, not tonight guys

lol it may be a lil far, but driving is fun :stuck_out_tongue:

today is nice out so i think it will be a big turn out, im in, lol we should have a pre niarga meet!

it was a good meet, nice meeting all you guys for sure haha

Ill be at this weeks meet for sure =)

I’ll be there…in a 240?? :o (hopefully)

if not ppl will see my sparkly rx-8 again lolz

So who’s coming out to tonights meet? Im 100%

Iam a little sick… I’ll decide after my doctors visit if I’ll come up tonight.

i’ll be back out when i get my car. probably in a honda civic with ivtec.

IVTEC k20a?!?! ill be there tonight.