What Bov is this??


just giving him some options.
and its psi. and for some reason i think i may have my bov and boost guage teed from each other lol!
but i cant remember and im not about to go look

… well BSC should have told you all this, but i’m pretty sure he’s clueless as well…

4-5 psi of vacuum you say? interesting…

haha. im only a helper at bsc and im learning alot of stuff there. as for that comment was def uncalled for . im no pro and i will admit to that.

and i also have a shit princess auto boost gauge so it can be off a bit.

it would be uncalled for if I didn’t know for sure… I do. So I’m simply stating fact…

Your vacuum reading is from the plenum, the BOV works using pressure differential , when IC pipe and plenum are in balance then it stays closed… when the IC piping has more pressure then the Plenum, the BOV will function, where you set the BOV to ’ blow’ is the only parameter you have control over… ‘T-ing’ off another sensor is not good either.

when i originally did all the t’s and what nots was when i first put the motor in, i need to get a vacume bar , the one that has like 6-8 t’s off of it so i can redo alot of my hoses.

and as for him not knowing what he is doing, does he sit on here and bash you??
that was probably the most childish thing i have seen posted other then a-ahmeds stuff…

ok so where do u “T” off of for the BOV? Is he not supposed to grab his boost reading from there as well?
I’m a little confused now and concerned with my install. So… clarification on this will help. Thanks

pressure is not instantaneous, it has to build up across a volume so the longer the run the longer it takes to equalize pressure. What this means is that running a single line, shorter with less internal volume, from your plenum to the BOV will allow it to react properly, you gain a sharper more precise actuation with less chance of pressure drift ( leakage). A heavy wall silicone is also best to use as it doesn’t ’ bulge’ under pressure like a thin wall, cheap silicone hose will.

Hows the quality on the Sard R2D2 bov?

I love em, have a few customers running them with No issues. Can’t beat the quality for the price…

chris, don’t even dignify BAS with a response. He’s a fucking joke.

BAS, go practise your pie cuts. That will keep you from wasting everyone elses time.

the r2d2 that i herd on my buddys sti
was like a greddy rs

on and BAS shut the hell up

no one cares about you

you are making ALOT of enimies on this fourm and id just leave this fourm since you DONT even own a 240

Damn alot of hate towards BAS…but damn man you(Bas) sure like making people look like idiots, maybe you know alot about cars but you should’nt critisize everyone thats trying to give advice you know? Atleast their trying and trying cant hurt, well it can but not in this case.

No hate 2 u though seems like you know alot…

don’t need to practice they are already outstanding, ask anyone whos’ got them… and if you look closely, those pie cuts your trying to rip on me with… are under the hood of R34 in the video in first post…

and i don’t see you adding anything remotely technical or helpful… nothing but a poor attempt at a rip …

man… aren’t you the winner for the day.

meh, most of these clowns who are trying to 'hate ’ on me don’t need my help to make them look like morons… they do a great job without my help… I just like to state the obvious… see where it leads… most of the time people on here hate to have their bubble burst.

yes, absolutely outstanding. So outstanding that they have leaks? You know I have proof to back that up too. Furthermore, They look like a broken dick and are a total waste of time.

Did you ever think for a second, that if you actually knew how to approach a technical response without coming off like a total piece of shit, you might get some respect around here? AND MAYBE, just maybe get more business?

So far I’ve had a grand total of 2 reported sub pin hole leaks, so small it took 1/2 a year to find them… this is out of a total of ~40lbs of welding rod used on .065" wall tubing and in the case of one of the pin holes, on a POS bings IC where the cast aluminum was so bad it bubbled with impurities… I’ve yet to meet a professional TIG welder who has anything BUT admiration for the work.

As for a waste of time, this only reinforces your ignorance; You have no concept of the physics behind the USE of the wedge cut… you base your technical opinion on personal preference… there is a word for that besides ignorant… it’s ‘ricer’.

and do you think I really care how I come across to you??

how do i come into this?

Ian, i thought we were best friends man… wtfbbq?

btw, you sold your rx7 yet?