What Bov is this??

buddy you are comming off as a dick head to every one

yep, $10K

thanks for asking

so you were asking $6k, the guy shows up… you tell him that your welds leak, and he says: “SWEET, here’s an extra $4k.”

that pretty much sums up how that went?

or did he show up and you cussed him out so much for not being an engineer that he gave you $4000 extra just to STFU and let him leave with your busted car?

lol why bother to answer you, you just erase the post if you don’t like it…LOL you’ve done that at least 3 times since the afternoon…

but hey i’ll be down in hamilton on the 23, I’ll drop by your place and we can discuss it in person, hows that sound…

Ian, i have not deleted a single post of yours today… sorry my friend. that wont work.


well I’ll drop by anyway after i’m done at northern. see you on the 23rd

I wish I was as cool as you.

you just keep wishing one day your balls will drop for you… however you’ll never be as cool as me.

LOL, bas your a big fucking pussy you’d never show up in a million years you never did it any of the times you threatened to visit Brent and if u did you’d sue him when he kicks your ass.

Also i Suppose your business degree qualifies YOU to give advice… the man who put together a rotary and thought that loosening the tension bolts and re tightening them would magically pop the seals you failed to properly install into place? the man who built a header for a rotary with a flange so thin it was visibly warping all over the place…
and who couldn’t even finish his own car…

but then again we all know the only thing your qualified to do is lie… you up front told my friend you had all the pieces to his engine, when u knew you didn’t and he had to go buy them from the guy who is suing you…

also how stupid do you have to be to brag about something that isn’t yours in front of the person who’s it is, then when you get shut out you wonder why and write little girl sob stories…

why aren’t your permanently banned here yet? you are most other places… even the metal guy thinks your a douche bag and he only met you once for like 10min

he isnt perma banned becasue he is hilarious…

at the CSCS driver’s meeting several people commented on how they missed BAS arguements. It’s entertaining for many people in the community to see him falter over and over again.

i kind of enjoy this too as you can see.

The thing that really makes me laugh is the excuses he has anytime he gets caught. He really does believe that he’s that smart and everyone else is that dumb. He seems to be the only one that doesn’t realize the joke is on him. I better be quiet though cause he’s gonna beat me up.


yeah, i heard some other Barrie folks laughing at how his clients have to go elsewhere to have their cars done properly.

someone tell us more about this lawsuit against him please.

wow, thats quite the tirade of … well… crap.

brent ran away claiming his apparent 'surgery ’ was too much and he’d let me know when he was ready… STILL waiting for that call … maybe you’d like to step up and as his 2nd, you seem SO upset by it… I’ll be waiting to hear from you.

didn’t know i had a business degree, think your mistaking me for someone else thanks for coming out. NO clue where you came up with this other rotary stuff, but so far, anyone with the light weight exhaust has no problem with it. AS for my car… well the customer comes first of course…

as for this ‘guy you know’ crap… lol thats a joke and 1/2 but interesting story. If what you say is true then your friend knowingly bought stolen goods… so either your friends are as dumb as you, or your just full of stories…

still trying to figure out that whole ’ brag about something that isn’t yours ’ thing and who did i meet?

no clue who you are or what 90% of what your spewing is on about… maybe you’d like to get a little first hand info before you start to wack that jaw around… remind Brent that HE said HE’D let me know when he was ready… I’ve got the PM’s saying as much…

I’m sorry to butt into this lovely shitfest, but has anyone ever thought about how that sound can be replicated? I have this idea… BOV shoes! You know the old LA lights shoes that were so damn baller when we were like… 7? This could be the new thing. You’re just running along, then some dude sprints by you and you hear a BOV go off. “OH SNAP! He’s got Turbozzz ™!!!”
Seriously, I need a technical advisor, a marketing advisor and maybe an accountant. We can make craysee money if this takes off.


if you think you are so big and bad why dont you come over to my house and try this SHIT!

you are starting to piss me off

Love the shoe idea, haha. Wouldn’t be surprised if it happens.

Ian, I told you before, we’ll meet some time. Enough with the talk, your such a woman. You sold a 20b to a friend of mine and Ted’s then when I asked where the intakes where you said"up north at the shop". After wks of calling you daily you gave said person the ph # of the guy that still had his intake,alternator and so on and so forth. Then when he called the guy he was informed that the real owner was engaged in court proceedings with you. Anyhow tough guy, I’m shaking in my boots. Stop by sometime, it’s only about 10mins from your house to mine so either back it up or shut up pussy.


i wanan know how there is like 5 or so people on this fourm alone that thinks you(Bas) are a fucking douche. and well, no one really said you are a good guy…time to step back and take a look at yourself and think about how you fucked up somewhere along the line

Not to mention that every chance he gets he drags me into this crap. Maybe his mom didn’t love him enough. Guess that’s why he’s in his late 30’s living at home.

i heard he doesnt live at home anymore… and he’s gotta be pushing 40 by now.

BAS… call in back up please. this is anti-climactic
