What did you do to your car today?

I watched my boost gauge go up and down in the vacuum portion of the readout. I love driving slow during rush hour traffic because I get to watch the true stunters blow past me then I creep up next to them at the red light 1/8th of a mile up the road. :lol

wheels that go up or stay the same in value are more important to me than suspension that goies down about 50% in value the minute you open the box.

economics is fun. you’ll learn that

(it’s a superbad quote so don’t hurt yourself, and get off my nutz telling me what to do with my car caus i dont care what you think thanksssssssssssssssss :slight_smile: )

I do understand economics. I’m pretty sure I made more off that bumper I bought than you will with these wheels.
The whole situation is still ripe with fail. :facepalm:facepalm

Weighed my car today. :ohnoes

found melted spark plugs up in my engine yo…booooo


I put the hammer down.

I touched my car yesterday for the first time in quite a while. I just pulled the cover over the tailpipe and left it alone after that.

just long enough to stick your willy in it :lol

there is absolutely zero fail in my situation. you and lozano seem the be the only ones to find fail.

thanks for wasting more of your time posting about my car

No, I didnt do that.


drove Vonschmeers protege today to the dentist

:rofl ohhhh yeahhhh VONSCHMEER

your car is red


and come over and help me scrape the paint off the BBShits, jerkjac

your car has an engine mounted over the rear axles

I’m sorry, but if those wheels are as HOT!!!& RARE!!! as you say they are, shouldn’t they be flying out of your garage by now to a buyer?


what she said

The bumper I flipped for a profit of $700 was gone in a week :rofl


if they were done and re-assembled, most likely.

they’re not going to move as rota’s with volk stickers on them, that’s for sure :tongue

(please don’t call me a “faggot” or “retard” or neg rep me pretty please)