What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common?

ny speed needs an age limit for faggots like this. i wish kyle would punch you in the face the next time he saw, u and if he did i would just laugh in your face. apaarently you think nascar sucks. so what get off it i think you suck but im not gonna stay on it all day. grow up, get a life, and gain some respect for someone who just there name on a bumpersticker is worth more than your whole life. i dont sit down and watch the race every sunday but also people on here post shit like o my god i went 100 mph today. who fucking cares. i do that everyday on my way to work but noone cares. but apparently driving 180 plus for almost eternity is simple. a cake walk no less. i bet there is almost nobody on this site that has an itch for top fuel dragsters but im sure you could run those no problem.

Me:shoot: you. your an asshole.