What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common?

Thrisk14: cky89

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Originally Posted by bobbyg1243 View Post
yes i do understand…im in the same boat trying to fix it, but its def worth it when its in good condition.
yeah i hear ya. it sucks being 17, having just thrown 3 grand into my talon in the past year, i spent every single paycheck ive gotten since then into that car. and i have nothing to show for it. id do anything for a car that makes me smile when i drive it. instead i work on this car that stresses me out so bad that i dont sleep at night and do nothing but think about this car all day long in hopes that some day it’ll pay off and i can actually have something.
its really fucking terrible

boooooo hooooooo we all mod cars its stressfull get over it. point being dont run your mouth if you dont like something just say you dont like it. dont rag on someone else for liking it.