what do u think about this house??


sweet a mchouse, sub par construction, built for the lowest cost, sell for the highest cause its a larger square footage than average



These are great houses for people who lease Chevy Malibus.

great, the son tried to cut out his mothers evil eyes after he stabbed her to death. Ive got the fucking heeby jeevies now for even being in that place. I think im going to go to church now.

wait what?


wait what?


apparently some nut job son murdered his mother with a large knife cuz she tried to make him shower and take his vitamins. This all happened in the house i just looked at. gross



So now we know why it was so cheap.


wait what?


Reading dude… > *.

Duuuuude the evil eyes were totally tripping me out



These are great houses for people who lease Chevy Malibus.


so you wouldn’t approve of a little gem that has caught my eye

Why would you want to live in a beautiful home like that when you could live in this little cube and circle jerk every night under the starts with your greenie buddies?



Why would you want to live in a beautiful home like that when you could live in this little cube and circle jerk every night under the starts with your greenie buddies?


I would totally build a prefab if the ppsqft was less than I could buy around here


so you wouldn’t approve of a little gem that has caught my eye


Nice. I’m guessing in the $400,000 range?


Nice. I’m guessing in the $400,000 range?


299 :wink: which is why i’m looking at it

^ where is that located? looks nice, like the design. specs on it?

299, need pics of the back yard.


Why would you want to live in a beautiful home like that when you could live in this little cube and circle jerk every night under the starts with your greenie buddies?


hrm for better construction, more efficient, cheaper per sqft than most, and some sort of design, ya most people would, remember not all of us like to circle jerk or boy lover using crude oil :wiggle:


299 :wink: which is why i’m looking at it


Not bad. What’s the sq. ft?

9,855 in taxes

The lot is 100x162

3.5 car garage :tspry:


damn I thought a house like that would be alot more, is fugly inside or something?

Edit its not fugly on the inside


9,855 in taxes

The lot is 100x162

3.5 car garage :tspry:


3.5 car garage is the balls!

3532 sq.ft. is a lot to heat

9855 taxes on what assessed value? That will likely eclipse 10grand after purchase. That hurts. $833 a month is just tax…ugh.