hilarious thread…some people view on subjects so stereotypicaly its pathetic.
i havent seen a pic of his ride. s no clue what he has in the car. my opinion was a generalization. im still waitign for someone to give ame a good answer on why a 305 ho is so damn better than a reg 305. to me, it is like saying a rabbit gti motor is better than a standard rabbit, because it comes from a gti.
the 305 in montes had 140 hp
the HO in hte monte SS has different heads/cam/180hp
the 225hp motor in the Irocs/z28s are a roller setup i believe with half decent heads/cam/intake
the standard RS camaro had a TBI/poor cam/standard heads and only had about 190hp
like hte difference between a 6.0 and 6.0HO is the pistons everything else is the same. pistons helped it out to gain 20hp/10tq
His car is in his sig, pic of the engine and just the car. What is up with your curiousity about the 305. He has a LT1…I agree though that 305 isnt anything too great. I have heard with some work they can be made decent, but why bother when you can get a LT1 soo dirt cheap.
thats like why mod a small motor period when you can go large for about the same price. Ive seen 325s make huge numbers but ppl still go with a larger motor. same thing with soem imports you got ppl using little motors but then you got some boring and going larger with them. anything can be made fast, anything!!!
5yrs ago if you would of told me i would see the day of 500hp civics that run 11s or 10s i would of laughed in your face now today its normal
well, i dont see pics in sigs. moherfuckers are annoying. so all i see is red x’s.
and i dont have time to bitch today on the 305 vs 305 ho. maybe late night when i come back from the garage.
wow… theres alot of imports on the board that would blow the doors of your camaro. Thats just dumb. 305 in a camaro… what does that thing put out? Isnt it like 190 or 220 hp? My import puts out more hp than your domestic. :greddy:
dude your non running import doesnt put out what his motor puts out stock!!! its not a 305 hes has a LT1 which depending on year is 255 to 305hp. if he can drive thats a low 13 or high 12 car if done up right with a untouched motor
-1986 Camaro IROC-Z
5spd 305 4BBL H.O.
-SOON… a LT1 350 out a 97 Camaro / T-56 6spd (when I get it finished I’ll post all the details) Into that 86 IROC-IT !!!
like i said his LT1 and as you see it, its in the pic of an engine bay.
his LT1>your whip
I would kill myself if i owned an IROC-Z with a 305 in it. Seriously.
/ it girls
there are to many shit camaros that are 80’s or early 90s that look beat up and run like poop sell that iroc-z
stfu ricer
Okay. You actually are a ricer. Your car is what gives us performance minded import drivers a bad name. Please exit this thread and head back to honda-tech.
Its people like parkbench that make this thread possible.
x44379643796437637463043! And take that god awful wing and lexus badges off.
haha im laughing
you should see the exhaust no muffler straight pipe my exhaust is coming though its funny cause i have a tip at the end you cant tell the difference