What has a better picture: LCD, LCOS, DLP?

What do you think?

I’m looking to buy a 42" - 50" widescreen HDTV.

Whatever has the highest contrast ratio.

Expensive Plasma(ex. Fujitsu) -for TV/Movies

LCOS- gaming/computers/etc

DLP - rainbows

My bro is into this stuff and he says LCD FTW.

As far as pros and cons goes: Plasma is not worth the money.

LCD is more expensive, no ? And the contrat ratio is shit along with off-axis viewability. Although higher res in nice along wih lack of burn-in = great for gaming.

hti me up on aim…

i have this conversation on a daily basis

the short end of it is


Dlp has the fastest refresh rate, combined with the best contrast ratio, and no Screen door effect…

LCOS has a fast refresh rate, poor contrast, and some Screen door effect

LCD projection has a slow refresh rate, poorish contrast, and alot of SDE

+1 for DLP

+1 for rainbows

+1 for misinformation

if you can see rainbows in current gen DLP tv’s ill give u 100 bux

the color wheel spins so fast now that it is physically impossible for anybody to see it

if u keep reading reviews about rainbow effect your reading in places that didnt actually review the product, but the reviews of others

And how are we going to judge that ?

I don’t keep reading reviews - I keep shopping for DLP projectors. I can see the ~80hz oscilation and it annoys me. Haven’t seen the 6x -7x colorwheel projectors yet. Maybe they are better…

I love my sony sxrd just fine :gotme: I havent noticed a single thing wrong picture quality wise yet.

Those are good, especially as TVs, clarity is really good. Projectors are not too bright, but in a prepeared room they are very good - $$$ though.

Yeah it is by far the best TV i have ever owned. Alot of coin yeah, but you get what you pay for. HDNet is just unreal on this screen, and xbox 360 rocks too. I have no complaints! But for those looking for a nice set for cheaper, DLP is a good way to go…

Juan you should drop over sometime bro, once you see my HD i think youll be sold. They makr the SXRD in 50 inch as well. I have someone over every night cause they are hooked on my tv :lol:

Meh, whats going on brian??? I hope the 50in hitachi lcd that you sold me isnt garbage like you say. If I have to spend some more money for the better tv I will.

:word: best bigger TV IMO

No to plasma… I would go with an LCD for my first choice. And most of the newest DLP’s have dual mirror, so there is no rainbow ish.

ok guys. This is the tv I purchased. What do you think??? Its still in the box so I can bring it back to get a better one. I just really love the way the tv itself looks being that its all black.

Also brian, can you get me the 50in tv stand thats pictured with it???


:word: I have to check it out

yup DLP…

best quality and cheapest out of the 3… hence best bang for the buck

I thought I read somewhere most companies are getting out of plasma and into LCD…but that’s a huge maybe