i cant agree with this at all. I had nothing but problems when i was with statefarm. They are a horrible insurance company to deal with. They never get anything done, they are always “Looking into it” both me and my sister had problems with them. They were randomly taking more money out of her account and charging her more for her insurance, even after she told them to stop and canceled her insurance. She then had to go to the bank and tell them to block statefarm from taking out payments. Shes now been waiting 2 months for them to pay her back. My brother tried to make a claim and it took nothing but a lot of time. they never had answers, and again, they were “Looking into it”.
Ive never heard of a good insurance to deal with until u have been with them for a really long time. So while ur young and under 25 without a house and family, this is how insurance works
You will pay high rates, even though u have a perfect record
They will have their way with u
They will screw u in the end no matter what
The lesson in this, either way ur getting screwed from an insurance company, so stick with the cheapest
But in the end, im sorry to hear about all ur misfortunes hopefully it works out for u in the end. Try to just be determined and dont let them push u around. Tell them what u want done, dont give them choices, and always have a lawyer present if u can.
Best of luck