what movie makes you guys cry

i cry in every movie i see that doesn’t have a woman cooking, cleaning, or anything else that shows she doesn’t her “know her role”.

the fox and the hound


surprised no one has said old yeller

Black Hawk Down - that part where the snipers give their lives to save Mike Durant. I tear up every time.

Field of Dreams
Never Ending Story
Land Before Time

…but those where all when I was younger, meaning ten minutes ago. ( I’d say 12 y/o or younger)

I have cried recently…

has anyone heard the country song about the soldier that owned a corvette?
A guy sees a sign, saying “Chevy for sale” …
He finds a note saying if your buying this car I am gone… I cried…maybe it was because I was driving my corvette…lol

Has anyone heard this song?

Edit: song is Riding With Private Malone- David Ball

Oh, Locutus cried during the Notebook.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:27,topic:38649"”]

Oh, Locutus cried during the Notebook.


had to make sure to get that before any ninja edits occurred

any of the fast and the furious series makes me cry

Rachel McAdams is so hot, I couldn’t cry during that movie because I just keep picturing her on my cock. Shit.

life is beautiful

saving pirate ryan… gets me everytime

ET yo ET

I am Sam.

Here’s the irony, I make fun of disabled people ALL the time, and usually the jokes or clips surrounding them make me laugh the hardest, but come to find out, it’s just in light of a bad situation. But yeah, only movie to make me feel like I got socked in the gut.

cry i don’t cry when i watch movies it is frigging books like the book where the red fern grows that made me cry. i hated the ending in that book! o well!

Green Mile & Simon Burch :tup:


cry i don’t cry when i watch movies it is frigging books like the book where the red fern grows that made me cry. i hated the ending in that book! o well!


i totally forgot about that book. but you are right

Wait guys and gals… are we talking about serious literal crying???

How can you cry during movies… I love movies just as much as the next guy and get into them so much but I just cant cry at them… I feel left out here, I want to cry…


saving pirate ryan… gets me everytime


this was not a typo. saving pirate ryan is uh…a different kind of movie than what most of you are commenting on.


this was not a typo. saving pirate ryan is uh…a different kind of movie than what most of you are commenting on.


oops typo… I meant shaving ryan’s privates