What should I do about this (cop sh*t)

First of all, I’m not whining. Second of all, I’m looking for suggestions. I called the barracks today and asked for him, he was there but he was “busy” so I left my number.
I should NOT have to deal with being pulled over every time he feels like pulling me over. I have places to be IE: work/school.
Trust me, when I was pulled out of my car, i did NOTHING or said nothing. If I told the cop to fuck off or likewise I would expect to be treated like shit, but, I did not.
But who am I kidding, i’m not going to convince the dumbasses on here. I’m not trying to plead my case, just was looking for suggestions on how I should handle it.

And +2 on moving, just want to finish up school then go somewhere else for my 4 year.