What should I do about this (cop sh*t)

lol i just realized this is me saying all this lol

way to bump this brett. jackass


Honestly, you’ve probably been a complete douchebag to the police in the area and deserve what what you get.

That said, the police are supposed to be held to a higher standard and it pisses me off when I hear of one bragging about “making someones life a living hell”. It’s sorry excuses for officers like him that give all the good officers a bad name.

If your friend who told you this story was willing to sign a statement detailing the converstation she had with this trooper you could file a formal complaint with the state police. Start here:

Be warned though that filing a complaint, especially if you really have been a douchebag in the past, may be a lot like kicking a bees nest. Sure, eventually having the nest gone is better but you have to deal with a whole bunch of angry bees for a while.

Ya, I have atleast another 2 years in boston, so I’m not even going to try, a trooper stopped at my house yesterday and me and my dad talked to him for an hour, he just owed my dad money. But he’s a friend of the family, so if anything were to happen again with this one prick cop, i have a few others that would stand with me. (hopfully)

Keep a good lawyer on retainer…

Ever seen fightclub?

Bad analogy I understand however, ever heard of something called JEALOUSY?
Cops that were losers early in life have it out for those that are more fortunate, it’s just the way it is…

I hate to tell you, officer’s single people out all the time. It’s the reason I moved out of any town Erie County Sheriffs are responsible for. I literally used to get pulled over pretty much within minutes of crossing into their jurisdiction. When I ask why, half the time was I don’t like you and you look suspicious. Guess what, nothing I could have done…

unless you videotape and document it all and have a good lawyer.

what’s better, if they keep doing it, mouth off a little, let them get pissed and physically beat you and roll in the $$$
I cop has EVERY right to use force on you, IF you put his life in danger, but the last time i checked, words never hurt anyone

your best bet: kill him…bet none of the troopers fuck with you again they’ll say “oh shit! there goes that seldmemierafkjasfj kid! dont fuck with him, you might end up D-E-D! DED!”

but on a serious note, record him the next time he “spouts off” about you or pulls you over, make sure you get his name in the audio recording…

but on a more serious note…you should kill him

u can’t record him witout consent

Better just kill him then.

Video tape mouthing off without consent, use youtube.

proof ?

i’ve heard this before, but it makes me wonder how the kid from youtube who was getting reemed by the cop for skateboarding got away with it.

Here is what you do. You realize that you have given the local police departments a reason to have that impression of you, as evident by the numerous posts you make about this stuff, and don’t let it bother you. Why don’t you call and say something along the lines of “I understand why you have those opinions but I would appreciate it if you did not bad mouth me in public. I am am trying to get my act together and not get into so much trouble.”

See where that gets you.


soooo… you’re the guy going past my house on boston state on 1 wheel haha

It worked for this kid, but he is in Missouri and imagine things work a lot different there.

It’s funny how the officers tone changes so much after he finds out there is a camera with audio.


My cousin calls me yesterday:

this is his convo with the cop:

Cop: license and reg please

Him: why am I being pulled over?

cop: why do you have a dealer plate?

him: i’m from georgia and im up here visiting family and this car is from my grandpas dealer that I am thinking of buying

cop: okay, i;m going to run your license, be back soon.

cop comes back

cop: any relation to Tyler

Him: ya, it’s my cousin

cop: well, he thinks he can get away with everything, i see him on his motorcycle flying up and down streets everywhere…he thinks i can’t catch him, but boy when I do, I’m going to fucking fry him.

cop let my cousin go, he just pulled him over for the dealer tag,

but seriously WTF, this is the SAME cop. I NEVER ride fast in boston,orchard park or surrounding areas because I know i have troopers looking for any chance to pull me over.

does this dick head realize there is more than ONE fucking black sport bike in WNY?

Anytime you spot him just make sure you are doing exactly the speed limit and stare at him as your ride by.

OR AVOID THE SITUATION. the cop obviously has it out for you and no matter what you think

LAW > you.

Yeah, I literally put my hands at 10 and 2 when I drive by troopers because I bet they will pull me over for that.

I have a good family friend who has been a trooper for 16 yrs, i’m going to call him up and see if he can talk some sense into this power hungry rookie cop.

I’m almost thinking of making a generous donation to the trooper barracks just so I get them off my back.