what should i do??

then i ain’t be fucked alone.
i may call my lawyer. lol

hey dude dont worry about it , I finally got ahold of my painter lol He came back from Ferrari … i guess he Failed the stress test lol , but anyways i told him what happened he put 3 coats of clear-coat , what happened is that i had to get your car finished that night because you needed the next day so i stayed there until after 2A.m waiting for the paint to dry but it wasnt fully dry yet and i had to drive it back home… My painter said that the Morning Dew Dulled the clear coat , so all it would need is to be Cut(sanded) and buffed.

heres the deal tho I work Graveyars shift 9pm to 3am and as soon as im get up i have to go tend to the babymama so I get paid on the 26th i’ll pay to get the car Buffed … does that sound ok with you? . sorry for not returning the calls but i have Almost no time at all for myself.

Oh and Solarion …i Don’t Appreciate you calling me a “high school drop out who paints in his garage” ,

Is it wrong that I take iniative to Try and learn somthing new instead of droning to a shitty jobe and haveing someone else bossing me around?

“son240” has Established that i have bad morals and not to buy Cars from me …or at least not without Inspecting them.

Now do you guys have to keep bringing me up?

I still do sell other parts that nobody has had a problem with .

Nelly, you fucked up your “reputation” and it’s done. I don’t think people will keep quiet because there’s still a chance of newbs joining this site and then buying cars from you.

LoL thankfully they sell quality parts not cars.


why are you still here?

the only thing ive seen you post is when you defend nelly

why waste your time? he is a lost cause now, the damage is done

oh ok.
give me a call or PM for when to go to ur shop.

what about bumping out of control bass from your subwoofer and rattling the shit out of your panels
get some dynamatt tucan sam.

and on a side note
stop saying people on here have rusted cars, etc, and that yours is nice…
because I’ve seen your car at the wheels direct ricer meet & its nothing special,and no one is hating, I dont think anyone is jealous of your huge hearts made of bondo.

Wait until its winter, Your heart will break!

listen idiot when have i ever said ppl on here have rusted cars or that anyone is jealous of me. LEARN TO READ, All i said was you people need to stop hating… btw your contradicting yourself by saying nobody is hating if you look at your following sentence. OH YA my heart is all fiberglass and i NEVER SAID my car was the shit. Don’t get it twisted. EVERYONE ON HERE is hating me but
honestly i dont care. Ive been to your meets before and some of you have really nice cars but nothing too special. I am mainly on here and joined because someone sent me the link to check out ppl talkin shit bout my b/f’s shop but now im just here cuz this is entertaining. LOL.

P.S. i was at the wheels direct show to support my team as a spectator not as a competitor because i KNOW my car is not the shit - i just started doing modifications a week and a half before that show. I dont care about how distorted my BASS sounds from the outside because im not OUTSIDE of my car im IN IT and it sounds fine too me, ill waste money on dynamat when i care to impress someone. You need to read carefully before giving your 2 cents seriously your remarks dont make any sense. BYE!


Just ban, this shit is so a week ago.

yes, lets ban her.

Mark, you liar, I want to ban her, you want to banG her. There’s an important difference :stuck_out_tongue:

ok tucan sam.
follow your noseee…

HAHA i get it, her Noseeeee lmao

damn drama is gettin interesting lol

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

lol i hate to say it but did anyone notice that she’s very nosey when it comes to people’s lives and situations?

I’m just going to throw one out here and guess the head going from shoulder to shoulder with the hand in front of face things during arguments too.

Dude, WHAT?

I read that shit three times and it makes less sense every time over.

what he said ^

That’s what you call a “What the fuck?” sentence.