Just want to say hi to you all as I’m new to this board!
I was wondering if you guys could help me in deciding what to do with a 180sx that i hope to (most likely will) own. :x Apparently, it has a blown turbo and i was deciding whether to: replace it with another stock CA18DET turbo, upgrade to a larger turbo from a newer Silvia, or dump the entire engine and go for a SR20DET (
I really want to stick with a CA18DET…).
Just hoping for some suggestions on what to do with the engine, or maybe even some comments on SR20DET swaps(eg. average pricing, good nissan shops in general).
Just get an SR20 turbo. For the price of an SR swap, you could make the CA really quick. Make sure that the only thing wrong with the engine is the turbo though.
Well, I’d be more than happy enough to get a SR20 Turbo, but do any of you know any good places to look for pricing and installation?
I will buy the CA18 T25 turbo from you when you do the swap … or if you are swapping engines I will buy the engine from you 
Try Zippys/Pro Drag. They could probably rebuild your turbo if you wanted, but that may be more expensive than trying to find a used SR turbo.
:o Wow, Typhoon, do you own all of those cars on your site?! I was going to buy the red 180sx at the bottom of it at first…but I guess you got to it haha… 
Just want to say hi to you all as I’m new to this board!
I was wondering if you guys could help me in deciding what to do with a 180sx that i hope to (most likely will) own. :x Apparently, it has a blown turbo and i was deciding whether to: replace it with another stock CA18DET turbo, upgrade to a larger turbo from a newer Silvia, or dump the entire engine and go for a SR20DET (
I really want to stick with a CA18DET…).
Just hoping for some suggestions on what to do with the engine, or maybe even some comments on SR20DET swaps(eg. average pricing, good nissan shops in general).
Just get an SR20 turbo. For the price of an SR swap, you could make the CA really quick. Make sure that the only thing wrong with the engine is the turbo though.
Well, I’d be more than happy enough to get a SR20 Turbo, but do any of you know any good places to look for pricing and installation?
I will buy the CA18 T25 turbo from you when you do the swap … or if you are swapping engines I will buy the engine from you 
Try Zippys/Pro Drag. They could probably rebuild your turbo if you wanted, but that may be more expensive than trying to find a used SR turbo.
:o Wow, Typhoon, do you own all of those cars on your site?! I was going to buy the red 180sx at the bottom of it at first…but I guess you got to it haha…