what to do with a criminal justice degree..

Trying to help out my girlfriend locate some jobs to apply for.

She has a 4 year degree from Hilbert College (Criminal Justice Bachelors Degree).

Top of her class.

She does not want to be a police officer, wants to do forensics or crime scene.

Its tough to get experience when most of the jobs want real world experience before they will even look at you.

Yes we would want to get out of new york, and prefer someplace warm with lower taxes.

grad school?

tell her to become a cop for 2 yrs making average 40-45k a year then apply for other jobs

state trooper, take that experience anywhere.

what concentration did she do at hilbert? I know they have a computer forensics, crime scene investigation and law sections within the major.

What kind of work is she exactly looking for? Because essentially if she wants to do crime scene she will have to be a cop for some time and work through the ranks

she doesnt know what to do?

So she went to Hilbert, wants to get into forensics or scene analysis, and got a Criminal Justice degree?

That doesn’t make sense. They offer 4 year Economic Crime Investigation or their Forensic Science/CSI program. Sounds like she didn’t do her research.

Join the military’s criminal investigations division, shell start out being an officer with a college degree and get great work exprience.

theres a fantastic idea. :tup:

becoming a forensics investigator or crime scene investigator with no prior law enforcement experience besides her degree is almost impossible. I know that csi makes it look like the investigators are everywhere, but they are not. For example, the nys troopers have 2 crime scene investigators, the FBI, has 20 for the entire country. Its very very difficult to get into.


Any beautiful or semi-hot / semi-whitty broads with 36Cs or better are guaranteed that job!

i watched that show for about 30 seconds once. Ill explain why. It was a new episode of csi miami. The tough, saucy but suave new guy was on the force. He had to prove himself to get respect from the rest of the tough cookies. So when they went to investigate a crime scene that involved a 1986 firebird, he was able to name the tire tred on the ground before the lady even looked it up. He said it was some hossier somehin or others. Then hes like “those tires are a popular upgrade on muscle cars like this one” then she asked, “you know alot about cars?” his reply…“EVERYTHING”, click

it’s a television show, what do you expect?

4 years and still no direction? Go back to law school and become a lawyer…

NYS state trooper?

Start out making 52 grand. after 5 years you are mkaing 77 grand.
You have the oppertunity to retire after 20yrs with half pay. great beni’s.
Or you can work up the ladder and get a deskjob making over $100,000.

personally im at hilbert now and graduating in fall 08 and i plan on going to buff state to get my master because at the age of 21,22,23 possibly police dept wont hire that young and with a masters i can become an officer and then further my career into fbi…

Marg Helgenberger is not just any broad.

Did Ryan’s Hope and China Beach mean nothing to you!?

no, no not really. mainly because I do not know what they are. sorry :uhh:

Well, Ryan’s Hope was a really terrible soap opera.

And she played a prostitute on China Beach, a show about the Vietnam War. She pleased people.

oh, i see. I had to image.google… and, I don’t watch that show.

The only ones I pay DVR are Miami (for the great picture & the blond w/the southern accent), and NCIS (for the Cote Depablo & the dry wit).

NCIS is the only one that seems to have non soap-opera plot line progression, week to week.