What's involved in a electric fan swap...

From previous posts in regards to electric fans,
I think i’ll go with the Altima KA fans

  • My concern is, wont somekind of thermastat be required to regulate them, or will they be on all the time. I know you can have somekind of switch, but i would like to for them to be auto no manual.

please advise…

u can buy aftermarket thremostats, CT use to carry one at one time. I don’t believe they do anymore. Heavy throttle use to carry one too, they arn’t cheap tho. I just used a swtich and turned it on in traffic.


I would recommend using Andrew’s method. Just run a switch to somewhere on your dash and you are set.

Mine runs all the time.

Mine runs all the time as well… A switch for traffic is alright, but I’m sure
one day you will forget and overheat your car which isn’t very good for it.

Either wire it to turn on with the key, or get a temperature switch.

yup, i’m sure me or iquabob could show you where an ignitioned power source is.

I use one in a connector to the wiper motor.

thats what i did, just always had it on when i drove to be safe. i got a one that lights up when its off so when i got out of the car if it wasnt lit i’d see and turn it off. the switch was like 3 bucks at crappy tire. u can mount it in a lot of places.

A friend actually just ran the wire and left the switch in his ashtray. Hidden switches are pimp.

Are they noisy… The stock ones are quiet, but im not sure of the altima fans, I hope that they not noisy, it would really annoy me if they were always on.

you can hear the electric fan when its on and you are in one spot, but when driving road noise covers it up.

Who really cares if its noisy or not…turn up your stereo or don’t install it. Its not like your going to see and performance gains from an electric fan.

I took it out cause working on front of engine is easier when you want to change belts or pull the engine quickly…that damn fan shroud and clutch fan really tick me off when I’m trying to do something. And when running at high revs on the track I like to keep it on.


Dude, you drive a 240 and worry about the noise?
Lol, when i’m above 5000 rpm, you cant hear the fan, … or the radio … or someone talking. … well maybe not that bad, but still noise shouldn’t be your concern.

Sorry guys… Yes i know its a stupid thing to say… your right i shouldnt be concerned… lets just say I had a bad experience with VW’s overheating and fan probs… its like a phobia. LOL

So it is possible to have them automaticaly go on, but you need some kind of thermostat, and most of you elected just to have them always running.

Sounds good to me

dude if your doing it for the sake of having an electrice fan…leave your clutch fan and shroud in.

I don’t think I got the point across before.


Alright… I got it loud and clear…

  • the reason that I was gonna change is b/c i thought there was an advantage to it… such as keeping it cooler or just releasing some stress on motor. ( i guess it would be a transfer… from one thing to another)

But I see ur point…

Thanks for the help guys…

yup … your clutch fan isn’t really robbing much horsepower, not compared to a static fan.

There’s a few problems with running electric fans.

Pusher fans block your rad

Pusher fans will burn out if you drive with them on for a while at over 50 km/h or something in that neighborhood.

Basically the air coming in is moving fast enough to spin the fans faster than their motor can. Overdrving the fan motor is death. When the motor is off, it’s not a problem, they’re just freewheeling.

If you’re having cooling issues, I’d make sure your stock equipment is up to snuff.

T-stat switches are cheap, and you can always wire in an override with a switch. Basically wire two separate switches, one just a hard switch, the other t-stat, so you can flip the switch and force them on before the temps get high.

If you can keep the car from heating up in the first place, you won’t have issues. It’s hard to cool a hot motor down, no matter how good your cooling system is. Keeping it at a consistent temperature is a lot easier.