When's it coming out?

i just charged up the battery in my coupe, rebuilt pressure in the tires and took her for a rip to the grocery store :slight_smile:

can’t wait until i get to decide what car to drive in the morning.

when are you guys bringing her out?

Tomorrow actually its going to get money dumped into it, then maybe a week until its on the road.

fuck, probably like end of june.

Wednesday!!! because i’ll have no other choice cuz my other POS car is being taken by it’s new poor sucker… i mean owner lmao.

put my new bat in and she was out last weekend

thread title = thats what she said…

Sorry i just had to

This week.

F you guys with your together cars.

Took it round the block last weekend…forgot how nutty it was.

went around the block a few weeks ago, fiending to switch the insurance but I’m holding off till april.8… finished exams summer officially starting, it’s gonna be a nice day!

to people with 2 cars insured… is there any way to save some money on the second car? like collecter car insurance or something?

I been out here! last wednesday!

Supposed to snow on weds =/ Also im waiting on rims, so prob wont be out till the end of April if not early May (Bing make the meet later!!)

Next week depending on the shipping time:)

Mid april for me. Have to put motor back in, install everything, and get it tuned.

sometime mid-late april, car’s at Pur right now getting finalized:)

mid to late apirl gotta get it tuned and get some other stuff working properly

May 1st its coming out… but im more excited about bringing out the vette mid April just need to find some Zr1 wheels

just got new stickers for er, shes good to go anytime, mid-april 5 lug should be done

it was out… accident on sunday kinda delayed things

Mid-April cant waitttt.