we are helping him by trying to steer him in the right direction (well at least i was, some people are just downright ruthless).

you would. and i did too, until i witnessed firsthand the fucking evil creatures that they are.

Can you train it to be a trunk monkey? :smiley:

Then it might have some validity

5 stars. Simply brilliant

So let me get this straight, someone wants to get a pet monkey for his daughter and his daughter may very well be killed by it but the people here trying to warn him about this are stupid and ignorant?

This whole thread can’t really be happening. I think I’m going to wake up any second now and be like “damn, what a weird dream.”

i am to perverted to have a monkey i would slap him and giggle like peter griffin. i didnt even think you can get one here as a house pet but hold on ill brb ill look into it

A monkey would be a huge commitment but such a badass pet none the less.

If you do manage to get one, I wish you luck. They sound like a hand full but god I’d love a chimp:)

http://www.primatestore.com/monkeywant.htmv pretty much monkeys are attention whores. it takes alot of commitment to train them. it is not fair to the animal if you cannot provide the home. i am still looking on info to buy

http://www.essortment.com/petsmonkeycare_rgay.htm that should be helpful. no pet store in buffalo will carry one so you have to find a wholesaler. this article says they are pretty shady guys who sell monkeys

Hahaha, this is going to be a classic case of darwinism. Nature killing off a particular line of the genetic pool due to poor, basic survival skills.

i want a monkey too i have plenty of time and space to take care of one so where all the links at i figured seeing the title there would be at least one in this failed thread 4 pages not 1 answer

I you have nothing + to say
Shut the fuck up and stay out of this thread.

then again this is off topic sooo… whatever carrry on :2fingers:


edit: dont wake me up early

If you buy a monkey, teach him how to knife fight.


what about getting her a sugar glider or something like that?

They also live 20-ish years and are very needy.
I’m highly considering getting one soon now that I’ll have the time to care for one.

what’s that?

I saw them at the flea market down union near french before it closed, amazing little creatures.
I STILL have this site bookmarked from like 2 years ago…

Gives you all the basic info you need on owning and caring for one.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

These are gentle enough for a child… and large enough to where she wont hurt them.
No claws at all. Super soft and fluffy.
Very clean animals. Maintenance is not bad.
Good size match and good temperament.

