Where do you go to snowboard/ski?

Holiday Valley ftw

I’ll be at Stratton near the end of January (around the 15-20th)

When is that demo?

I hate KB. So I only go to Holiday, not worth taking a day off work to ski Holimont.

Yes it is.


Well I disagree. If I’m going to use vacation days for skiing I’m going to go somewhere good, like out west, or at minimum Vermont/Maine.

isnt hollimont a private resort? how does you “get in”?

Only private on the weekends. During the week its public. Granted I wouldnt take vacation days to go there either but if you want a nice place that isnt very busy at all this is it.


I can’t justify the ridiculous amount of money Holiday charges. it’s a ripoff for what you’re getting. Their park is nothing to write home about considering the resources they have available to them.

I get a KB seasons, drive 10 minutes from my driveway, ski 40+ times a season, and take the extra cash to take day trips to Blue Mountain, or Mount St Louis Moonstone, both in Ontario to go to places who actually know how to build parks.

I want to get to Stowe this winter as well. Went to Kily in April last year towards the end of the season> kiillington is good for beginning and en of season, but if I could go anywhere in VT, Stowe gets the vote. Real backcountry skiing is there on Mt Mansfield, real good park, 330 inches of snow a year. It’ll either be Stowe mid-winter, or Tuckermans Ravine late april, eraly may to earn some turns hiking and skiing some rowdy shit off Mount Washington.

Snowbird is my dream resort. 550 inches of snow. Can’t really beat that. Closely followed by Mammoth though. So much sun at both those places, yet so much snow. Can’t beat it.

I am getting quite close to packing the car and going for it too. Every fall it gets more and more tempting after seeing shit like this…
That is near Brighton, Utah yesterday. They got nearly 2 feet of powder and that kid and his buddy hiked a peak and skied it.

It makes it mighty hard to leave around here when you see shit like that.

I just hear from everyone that kb lifts are slow,hills suck,and its for begginers.I love the terrain park and more advanced stuff.Plus fucking around on really long runs like mardi gras

Advanced stuff and skiing in WNY do NOT go together. It’s all mediocre at best. And like I said, for the amount of money and resources that Holiday has available, their park is PATHETIC.

Last year HV was the only place that had a pipe. Not that I know how to ride pipe, but I plan on learning soon.

Maybe KB will have one this year…

So then kb would be more pathetic right?Plus Hv had tons of snow last year when kb didnt.

Actually, if you look at value, KB is a better value IMO. Closer, less money for pass.

Plus, you learn to accept that your hill/area blows and you can take The $200+ you saved between the pass and gas, and go to somewhere that isn’t a pathetic excuse.

Edit- I’m not going to sit here and say that KB is BETTER than Holiday. What I am saying is that Holiday isn’t worth $500 for a seasons IMO. They charge a very high amount for in return for what you get.

It depends what you want to do and where else you have skied before. If you’ve ever been out west and are a semi-decent skier I highly doubt you will ever go to KB. At least that’s the case with me… I learned how to ski at Jackson Hole, so everything this side of the Mississippi sucks ass compared to that! Holiday and Holimont have the most challenging runs in WNY (still wouldn’t call them hard by any stretch of the imagination though) hence the reason I don’t waste my time (money) at KB. I will agree that Holiday is overpriced, but they pretty much got people by the balls, they offer the best skiing in the area. Got to pay to play.

holiday is a bit pricier, but i always get in way more runs there than kb. the lifts were retarded slow at kb every time i have gone. i wouldnt be surprised if you get like 50% more ride time with the express quads, so maybe its worth it?

Like I said, I pay to play by paying less around here where shits sucks, and then taking my saved money elsewhere and skiing somewhere elsewhere 5-10times a season where the skiing doesn’t all suck, including the park.

Actually, for $200 you could EASILY get 4 friends together, and head to Vermont, rent out a condo, and rip it for 3-4 days. And thats how much extra you’d spend just to ski Holiday with a seasons.

Zong- the demo is in early februaru or late january i forget. but you have to send in your w2’s in advance, as its only open to shop owners/employees.

i’m always down to spend time hiking the pipe if you’re trying to get into doing that

^ Thanks man, I might take you up on that

it took them mad long to get that pipe up

once it was up, it SUCKED, barely rideable. it better be fucking better this year. i was getting pretty good on it the year before, doing 360’s and shit, but the one last year was just horrible could barely ride it