Where's A Good Lot to Practice In?

I’m located in Scarborough, Ontario. Does anyone know any good lots to do some dounts in or practice e-braking in? Thanks. LOL

This probably the best advise you will get… Go to the track days… practicing in parking lots can lead to a world of trouble wit the beast…

Local police station, the place they will least expect it

Honestly, this is the best lot I’ve ever seen to do donuts in. The building is night shifted so you’d have to do this during the day however. It’s totally secluded.


Have fun! Drive safe!

pffttt parking lots are weak. practice on the street duuuh.

… I can’t believe this thread even happened.

school yards well recess in session

quoted for truth


lol im down by that area… there are some nice places there… too bad i dont do that stuff… i do it on the track not the streets.

but yeah go to were martino pointed out we usually go there for drift charity events

Church parking lots on sundays

+1, go there. Its an excellent place. You’ll never forget it.

At the local MADD building, sitting out your window with a beer in your hand doing a smoke show…


wheres the best place to shoot someone??

man, i got drifting down in parking lots…i will not flame this guy…

but asking someone where they go drifting is like asking where that terrorist guy is(cant remember his name)

anyways. go out and drive around some industrial areas. sooner or later you will find something.

if you get cough its probably only a trespassing ticket. dont quote me. but for shit sakes…be safe.

I QUOTE YOU! it can be much much worse ie: DANGEROUS DRIVING !!!

which = jail perhaps ? large fines, criminal records, finger printing, (not fingering) AND useless money spent on lawers etc - but still, i know a good spot … lol chris -

ah well man. im not saying to go out and rip in a parkinglot. untill last year i never was on a track.

i had a argument with samson a while back about parking lots and such.

kick it where you feel necessary

I won’t judge. I prefer the track but dude, if you’re not in any danger whatsoever of hurting anyone else, GO FOR IT!!!

Like Chris said, go find somewhere out of the way where there is no chance of hitting anyone and give 'er!!!

Do it!