where's the tranny drain?

trying the drain the tranny, but all i can find is a bolt that is half-drive right on the bottom of the tranny (middle), is that the one? i understand that the bolt on the side of the tranny is the tranny fill

you drain it from the middle bolt on the bottom, it’s like a 1/2" reverse ratchet dealy.

a 1/2" breaker bar will rule all!!!

reverse ratchet? so does that mean i turn clockwise to loosen that bolt?

eh, it does the job.

cool guys, i’ll give it another shot. i tried a few hours ago, but wasn’t absolutely sure i was undoing the right one (but it never came loose on me anyway)

It might take a while, but it should budge. When i drained mine the thing was so tight i mangled the square where the ratchet goes in.

Don’t even attempt this without a fair sized brakerbar. you will be there for a while.

cool, i’ll try… i have a broken old school torque wrench that i use as a breaker bar nowadays. haha