Which DSLR do you have????

Olympus is crap, that’s like buying the Mitsubishi of cameras right there.

Cannon’s focus is incredibly fast, but I hate the controls and anything short of their pro line feels like cheap plastic crap.

Nikon’s new stuff is incredibly fast (such an improvement on their old stuff), and gets the nod from me. Durable bodies, good glass.

Shot with:
Fuji S2 Pro, S3 Pro
Kodak 14n
Canon 10D, 20D, D-Rebel
Nikon D50 D70 D200 D2x
And a variety of Olympus crap.

Oh yeah, and the “cold” “issue”. No electronics are truely supposed to get cold. But I’ve shot a D2x out on a frozen lake while ice racing, I’ve shot Club racing in freezing rain, etc, etc. The cameras can take it no problem, but they will eat batteries faster.