Which insurance company for RHD vehicles?

Yes, I have used the forum search feature. The search returned nothing relevant. Yes, I have browsed the FAQ but there was nothing there either. Yes, I have searched on Google and all I got were Australian sites even though I put “canada” and “ontario” into the terms.

So now that that’s taken care of…

Which insurance companies will I need to turn to if I want to insure a Silvia or Skyline, and are the rates comparable to LHD vehicles? Can I pass a Fairlady Z off as a 300ZX?

Thanks in advance for your helpful and intelligible answers.

like usual, if you’re under 25 expect to pay around $400/month.
Get the car appraised, call insurance co’s ask for 19a policy on the appraisal value.can’t just call up and ask for a price because of the vin issue, it doesnt fit into there system.

Im curious aswell. My friend (mid 30s) just called 5 major and local (TO) insurance companies and at the hint of mentioning its a RHD vehicle he was told there is no way they would insure it.

Are people insuring these cars with 100% disclosure or are you saying its a sentra for example??

insured as an 1988 cefiro, the insurance lady even came down and made me take her for a ride in it. They have pictures and the appraisal i had done.

they know it’s turbo I6, rwd and at the time had te37’s.

I’d argue my company knows more about my car then 90% of the s13/s14 on the forum here.

I’ll go into a little more depth to why you can’t really get away with calling a Fairlady a 300zx. Japanese car’s have an 11 digit vin, our cars have a 17 digit vin. The insurace co. inserts that number into there system and it spits out a rating number, the higher the number the more risk and expensive it is to insure. They then take this number, combine it with your age, license and drivers record, then add there commission and whamo there is your yearly due’s.

Now as you can see, they can’t plug your 11 digit VIN into the system, they can’t rate it, so they don’t know what to charge you for, even if you say it’s the exact same car. The only way around it is to call a company like Alstate which does it’s own underwriting in house, or get an appraisal and insure the car like you would a kitcar, on value.

Sorry this is only the amount of detail i know for the situation as i’ve never had any trouble finding insurance on the Cefiro…could be due to the 4doors though.

So Matt, your insurance on the Cefiro is and always has been 19a?

Yep, always has been always will be, if someone tells you it’s not they’re up to something shady…Like all those guys saying there Silvia’s are registered as 240sx’s.

2009 it’s silverwheel and $200/year and still on a 19a policy

yea my silvia was insured as a lhd car over the past summer… not because i lied, but because the insurance company just fired off the paper work imidiatly and i didnt think there was a problem…

AFTER i pulled the car off and transfered my policy to my vw, i asked if they knew it was rhd, and they did not… and they will no longer cover the car because of that. ( what confused me is that the car has been re-vinned by the ontario government and it states that it is rhd in the numbers) so i dont know how the insurance missed that fact.

so now im on the hunt again as well. Im debating having my dad insure it for me so i can pay my 200 bucks a year as well.


what are the typical costs of having an appraisal done?

i need to start thinking about insurance measures for the summer before i drop money inot this car.


Can you explain what 19a means? Kit car insurance? 15 years or older car insurance? I hear that type of coverage is very limited, meaning no daily driving.

I know this Qs are more suited for GTRCanada but Im not a member there and reading the posts hurts my eyes :open_mouth:

Having your car appraised is quite easy. You go to an appraiser (find them online/friends/yellow pages), pay them anywhere from 40-100 dollars and viola.

19a is insurance on appraisal value, i’m limited in no way on how i drive or where i drive.

The only limitations i’ve heard about is through SilverWheel insurance (but this may vary from company to company), who i recommend you tell your friend about. For there 200-300$/year it would cost him he can afford a daily driver caviler.

Silverwheel limits you to 10000km/year and no driving to and from work.

All the insurance co’s I’ve been with know that i drive it daily(when it runs) to and from work, on road trips etc.

You may find some companies are more willing to help out than others. Especially if you’ve been with a company for long periods of time.
The other reason why a 19a policy works fantastically is because you’re guaranteed the value of the car.
So say you have a GTR, you pay 20000$ for it, it appraises for 15000$. If if gets wrecked on you, you wont be fighting with the insurance about the value of it, as it’s 15 years old and worth nothing tho them.

hey lucky

speaking in general terms, would it be cheaper to use a 19a policy or more expensive?

depend son your record. I was paying $350/month this summer, 2 years clear of an at fault accident, 22 years old with full G.

Car is appraised at $15000

The price really depends on what the car is insured for.

i was wondering, is it possible to swap vins from my 91 cdn 240sx into another 91 Silvia from japan? like the only place i can see where a police officer can check is the one on the dash and the one on the door jam. So if we swap it, as in cut and paste the actual vin template from a cdn car to a japanese car( rhd). can we get away with it? caue we can always say we did a conversion from lhd to rhd. right?

just curious, because if its such a big hassle, mind as well.

u could. but when u got into an accident u would be charged with insurance fraud. They would look into it and tell ur car was not RHD to begin with. Because of the work needed. firewall taken out etc they would probably know. Doing it to just normal cars is probably easier. if u want rustless buy from the states and swap vins thats easier. And dont forget about the vin plate on the firewall

If you buy from the states why would you need to swap vins

s13’s have seat belt regulations…cause of the automatic shit. even converting it is not allowed. so u gotta wait 15yrs.

most s13’s are already 15 years old or soon to be.