which would be better? sr20 or ka24

when my sr blows, im goin ka-t just because


DID you tell everyone what you planned to do? 180sx with KA24ET loll!! lol

Yeah, I think most of the people when went to KC last night know.

Fuck originality, reverse-engineer shit! Built SOHC KA in a 180SX. If I ever learn to stop putting money into little shit for my car, rather than saving it, it’ll happen one day…

well thanks for the input guys but i’m going with the ka for now prolly upgrade next winter
and the question was only asked for price purposes lol tho some of these posts were awesome haha

Race ready? motorboat!

You are my hero. LOL

I lol’d

race ready? damn i should sell everything i have and go sr, we could all be driving race cars with Race motors

lol about the b16, i vote K24A

lol k24a ftw

flinstone powered

choose sr . and if u cant afford it wait a extra month of saving

bwahbwbwabeaheahbhbsb “race ready”

Listen man, for people who have their work done at a shop, they get charged ridiculous fees. I guess its worth it to them because the job is done correctly and there’s somebody to blame if something gets fucked up.

I got a quote for a basic SR swap, 2500 for the motor, and 2000 for labour. I am not going to say who, as it would be counterproductive drama.

This is for a stock used 16-18 year old JDM 4 cylinder engine with unknown mileage, no mods whatsoever, just a downpipe. $4500 for 170whp at a shop.

Learn to do things yourself, and you can have a NICE setup for the same price.


In the end, when something blows, leaks, fails to start, YOUR the one that will be popping the hood. It’s better that you understand how things work to benifit yourself in the future. Suck it up and do the swap yourself if you ever plan on using the car for anything more than a grociery getter. Or, get a shop to instal everything, pay the price for anal rape, and then top it off by looking like a douche when something goes wrong with the car infront of all your buddies/chica’s.

Remember, this is a 240, not a corolla. Something is bound to go wrong, just because.

Have fun! :slight_smile:

Dude, just swap in 2 G10’s. Fucking bad ass. :slight_smile:

Look it up;)

I had my car break down recently. Spent a good few hours looking around in the engine bay confused. You guys probably read my thread earlier. It turned out I had a bad injector, and a few parts that weren’t installed correctly when I paid to get my engine rebuilt and swapped in. I changed everything that was bad, took out the alty, battery, p/s pump, all the belts, put new belts on, reinstalled the alty after getting it tested etc… ran into lots of obstacles but overcame them with some forum lurking, advice from ka-t.org and SON as well.

Once I started the car and had it running smooth, there was this beautiful feeling of pride and independence that I have never felt before. I was going to take the car to draggone because I was afraid to break stuff, but doing it myself, wow, amazing.

Such a good learning experience, I plan to work on it again, next job, fixing the fucked up 5 spd. swap with a supposedly NEW clutch…lol I can’t trust people anymore. I’d still go to a shop if it was something like tuning, or a custom fabrication, e.g. exhaust manifold.

It is a good experience but see, the issue when it comes to working on cars is this; It’s not whether you can trust someone else to do the job, it’s whether you can trust yourself to do the job.

^very good point, but how else are you supposed to learn?

Like how you did, with money.

At the end of the day, you gotta pay to learn. Whether it’s paying someone else to do crappy work on your car, or you buying the parts and doing a crappy job yourself.

In time, you will eventually learn but it will still cost you one way or another.

Spoken like a wise man^^^