Whining noise on Evo 9, opinions/ suggestions wanted

sorry to hear about your situation. i used to work at Transitowne Hyundai/mitsubishi. i can assure you that Leonard(the guy who works on Evo’s) knows what he is doing. while i was still working there he worked on some guys evo X, and if your evo is the dark gray one then i was there when he pulled the trans on that. he pays very close attention to detail. they say he’s the best because they are unaware of many outside shops that work on Evo’s. but trust me, he is very good at what he does. infact other than oil changes he is the only person they allow to work on evo’s.

with that said: if the wrong fluids were put in it is likely because that is what the parts/service managers told him to use, and hopefully they own up to their mistake. the new manager Jon from dodge has next to no experience in mitsubishi’s, Lee the other manager is a nice guy but kinda new to that store as well. both like to act as if they know what they are talking about, but sometimes its just gussied up BS to make clueless customers happy. The former manager Ted is a great guy and i was bummed when i found out he was transferred to the Dodge building. long story but he got fucked.

hopefully this works out for you man. and try not to mention my comments… i dont want any more hard feelings between me and my former employer.

Yes thats mine. I know Leonard knows his shit but like you said he was told to put the wrong shit in my T-case and Tranny. I actually watch him put the wrong oil in the other day in front of me and thats after the fact that I said “arent you suppose to be using 90w DiaQueen LSD oil” his response was “no” John is a complete asshole and I told him yesterday he has no idea what the fuck he is doing. 20+ years hes been at dodge… I guess hes an Evo expect in 3 weeks. Lee is a nice guy but every time I’ve gone in there I’ve caught him bullshitting in every other sentence. Ted is a great guy and would always take care of me. I’ll have John fired by the end of the day hopefully.

No problem. I wont throw anyone under the bus.

Thanks, I appreciate that. Good luck with everything!

I can only imagine the shit you’ve been put through, your car had been there for quite some time. The problem is, although I work with Hyundais still and familiar with Mitsubishi customers, that John and lee are not used to customers being auto enthusiasts and doing research and knowing what should be in their cars. They both worked at dodge and foe the most part Hyundai/Mitsubishi customers just drop their car off, know nothing about their cars and eat the bullshit right up. Ted is a muscle car guy and was great and totally listened to the customers and didn’t try to BS in order to sound smart or cool. I wish he was still there.

Again good luck! Hopefully the GM Ben is understanding and works with you. I would be as pissed as you if it were my car.

Yes I’m completely distraught about the whole situation and today went as I expected… fuck you and fuck off basically. They put 75w 85w in my Tcase and after I brought up the fact that the owners manual even says “DiaQueen LSD or equivalent” the service manage says that 75-85w is the equivalent. lol Hes suppose to call mitsu HQ and I cant wait till they tell him hes wrong. He also says its possible that my T-case was fucked up when it arrived with a messed up tranny. I tried to explain why it wouldn’t be but what can you do when 3 people are firing back at you will little to no experience on these cars at all.

I actually called STM and had them explain things a little bit better than I could. After he got off the phone with STM he was mind boggled and shut his mouth.

You’re absoultly right, both Lee and John havn’t a clue and they’re going off of a spec sheet with no knowledge or experience backing them up.

Ben could careless, hes backing his staff 100%.

good luck man. hopefully this doesnt take forever like we all think it will.

i was gonna say, you DONT need to use diaqueen in the t-case. as long as its equivalent youre fine. i used redline, then amsoil till 40k and my t-case was in great shape once it was opened. but i had it built for other reasons

Hmmmm. Know any lawyers?? If so, have them make a call to the GM. If they do admit they used the wrong weight oil, and even the owner’s manual indicates they used the wrong type, you might have a case there.

I am far from a legal expert though. It could be a waste of time and money.

honestly that what might it take for them to fit the bill now to get his t-case repaired AGAIN along with the labor bill. i sure as know i would knowing the DEALER messed it up.

Its funny you guys say that, my cousin is marrying a lawyer. Kcuv knows him, good dude. I just got off the phone with him and he said I’m doing the right things… calling Mitsubishi HQ and I have a case number. Unfortunately I missed the call today but I’m going to return her call tomorrow morning. She’ll follow up with the idiots at Transitowne as well. I also want to exploit these retards on the news or something, sounds cruel but for all the stress I’ve had to go through others should be aware of these kinds of things.

Now transitowne is telling me it doesnt matter what oil they put in the T-case because it would have to take hundreds of miles with the incorrect oil to cause damage.

simply say to them that “it doesn’t matter” is a conclusion that’s up for debate, are you really saying “you don’t know” if so then please give me that in writing.

Thats what I said to the owner on Tuesday, I also said legal action makes me unhappy and him unhappy so we should avoid it if we can, he agreed. He actually had his head service coordinator call me and he admitted that the T-case is a crucial part of the car that needs correct oil. I didn’t need to explain the mechanical aspects of the Tcase and why it needs the correct oil, he already knew that. He and I came to an agreement that I should put the correct oil in the TC and give him a call if the problem still exists.

So that’s where I’m at.

watch out… because they know if they can buy enough time and avoid giving you anything in writing (or in your car’s history) that they can claim it’s not their fault because the car ran fine for X months after they did work on it. Then they also throw in “it’s a modified car” and case closed they win in court/arbitration.

I’ve been through all this, it was expensive for me.

hmm true story. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll keep that in mind. Prob change oil either way and then call him… I think thats my best bet.

So after much bullshit and more to come… The dealership agreed to install a new Transfer-case. I’m still not 100% satisfied but its a start.

A new Mitsu one or a new TRE upgraded one??

A new mitsu one :frowning:

that’s honestly a lot better than I thought they would do… you can always take it out when you get home, work a deal with TRE, and then install it later.

Yea. I thought for sure it was going to go to small claims court.

T-case was replaced today; runs solid. Except for the fact that the “world class Evo tech” thought it would be funny to not tighten my mid pipe exhaust bolts, I know it was on purpose because the car had 5 miles on it and was deemed “test driven with no issues” on my invoice. 2 weeks ago I signed paper work that basically stated the dealership was at fault and that they were replacing the T-case free of charge. Afterwards I asked why the Tech decided to go against the operators/ owners manual and put Transmission fluid in the T-case, the response I got back was “Leonard was under the impression”… I stopped him right there and said “well this could have all been avoided if you and the tech did your job correctly”.

I changed the transmission oil to aftermarket oil and my issue with that is resolved as well.

Fuck Transitowne