you had to of done something to someone? people dont just walk down the streets lighting cars on fire for fun…

Last night i parked the car outside cuz i was working on the pilot and the came a fucking caught the car on fire IT WASNT EVEN ON THE FUCKING ROAD YETTTTTT

your not making any sense…

The only thing i can think of is this indian kid that i had a problem with along time ago

singhhhhh w.t.f

Here is the full story last night my honda pilot was having a idling problem so i pulled the gsr out side in the driveway so i can put the honda pilot inside. so i didnt get the chance to put the gsr back in the garage so last night i woke up with the fire department knocking at my door yelling saying i need to get out of the house and the cops came and found out that someone had dumped gas on the car and light the car on fire and i am fucked now cuz the car wasnt on the road so now i lose a ton of money

Ill buy the trans for 150

no shit. That sucks but something is very fishy.

people dont walk around with gas cans lighting cars on fire…

i know man and its not like i have any insurance on it

so i am SOL GREAT:Idiots

your location is Nisky. What do you live on the border of it?

OFF of route 7 like 6 houses in

pics of toasted honda plz

arson without insurance… not worth it.


its ok my cuz in NJ is selling me his gsr shell pimppppp

Why do youa want picture of it, Do you jack off to that shitt??


Post pics. You can never have too many torched integra shots.

By the way, your headgasket isn’t sealing. Here’s a hint, the cylinder head was milled flat. The block has had no machining done to it. Put the pieces together.