Alright the car is finally on the road drove it for 700 miles and its not smoking as bad as it was but i noticed that it smokes white only smokes when the rpm drops from 8200 rpm any ideas and i would like to add that there is no o2 sensor still lol

what the fuck.

i thought it got lit on fire?

here is what really happened to the gsr no one really set the car on fire i guess i freak the fuck out some times but the battery is located underneath the seat and what happened is the cable that run underneath the seat shorted the battery and caught the seat on fire and the carpet so i just had to replace those things but the car is good and now on the road so now i got a spare shell sitting at my house with no carpet and seat the cops are fucking idiots and dont know wtf they talking about

my post asking the same and his response was deleted lol . wow man this forum gets better and better

what you talking about the post is still there i told you it was the interior only that caught on fire

what kind of moron puts a battery under the seat? Seriously?

i posted before benny , your response was that your cuz had a mint gsr shell that ya bought . your a fuckin lyer dude . that is all

Yo might wanna go back to school first and learn how to read before you go judging people I had clarified myself in a previous post…

Idk that how it was when i got the car

What a peice of shit.

You just quoted and answered your own statement you dopey fuck.

This dude CANNOT hear the fact thats its his tired block oil blower.

Car for being an integra with a stupidly placed battery that shorted out and caught the seat on fire?

Or owner for lying about his car getting torched and then coming back with an unburned integra.



Nothing was deleted.

Man you jumping to conclusions with no basis keeps getting better and better.

it was in another thread , i got confused

You mean you take the comment back and you’re sorry?

So you wanna talk alot of shit behind the computer ha
… if you real man say it to my face bitch


what the fuck happened in here???