Who has gotten laid off?

Casual then was supposed to be TE carrier but that didnt happen.

Given a choice… Move to Cleveland, or be let go… (or find a new job)… does that count?

that was from ITT Enivate in OP… (Trueblue - how’s it going there???)

I found another better position at a better company (Ethox International)

I wasn’t actually laid off, my business has just slowed down over 60%. Some of the owners I was contracted by decided I wasn’t in their budget anymore =/

Now I sell Lotus’s a few days a week to supplement.

got laid off thanks to gm and graystone

ive had nothing to do really for weeks at LI customs brokers, we are over staffed, still not laid off…

ive worked maybe 5 times in the past month, but my dads house just burned down so we have to remodel it all now so ill probably be busy working non stop :frowning: not exactly how i wanted work to come tho

laid off second week of december from Roberts,Shackleton, & Boy Architects. Can’t find local work ANYWHERE. wentbac to valet to pay the bills while I wait for a hopeful callback in february

friday Dec 12th. Tonawanda engine plant

Soooooo… you have no problem leeching off of a social service you criticize at every turn?

No lay off here. Things are picking up for us finally.

anybody here get a decent severance package or something similar? what do they expect you to do?

I laid off my employees last week and I am done in two weeks, we made high end Video projectors for the home in Berkeley CA. I’m going to try again making them out of the Buffalo area. Should be open again by April.

I’ll let you know on Monday.

Unemployment line in '09! Derrick Corp.

You dont know what you’re talking about. It is payed for by the employer not the govnment. It is a mandated insurance charged by the state. It is NOT a social service. It is payed for BY the employer and is figured into the overhead of said employer just like social security and disability insurance. NOT ONE CENT IS USED FROM ANY FORM OF WELFARE OR SOCIAL SERVICE!

Luckily not yet…

hp pays my salary and they are looking at the economic downturn as a time to step up marketing efforts in order to outlast competition. I dont think im going anywhere.

lol im about to with what my boss just saw. lol

motivational saying

less fixing, more breaking


breaking more than they can handle

No lay offs here. Business is slowed down a bit near the year end but still good and companies still buying. Got my bonus and raise this December. We actually hired 20 people total I think since I started a year ago and only was a 100 person company.

I always wondered if this was really true… it doesn’t add up that you’re not getting more money back than your company put in… so where is the rest coming from?

It seems to be impossible to file a claim for unemployment for me. I have filled out the online form 4 fucking times with FireFox and IE. After I completed the 10 or so pages it gave me and error. So I decided to call, I say through 20 minutes of automated bullshit and then got disconnected before I finished.

Anyone else having trouble?