Who has gotten laid off?

Those hotlines are the shittiest of the shit… At the unemployment offices they even have step sheets on how to just fast track though the automated shit to talk to a person. I guess just keep trying… its not like you have a job you have to be at anymore right…

I actually filed my claim the 18th of December and the state has sent me paperwork twice saying i dont qualify because they have messed up with the first time not even having the job on there that laid me off. The second time they were missing 1/2 my earnings.

So i call today and the person i talk to says oh ya sorry about that ill just cancel this claim and have you file a new one. Sure enough after waiting on hold for 20 min after that i get disconnected. Go to fill it out online and it says error processing. This is ridiculous.

Same thing happened to me. After filling the god damn ten pages out again I decided calling again would probably work…I used my home phone this time and was informed there lines were down. Fuckin awesome.

Seriously, a full time job + overtime and you’re only 1/2 up to the max pay?
415 is the weekly limit

United States

Unemployment Compensation is an amount received by an unemployed worker, originating from the United States or a state. In the United States, this compensation is classified as a type of social welfare benefit.

Through the Social Security Act of 1935, the Federal Government of the United States effectively coerced the individual states into adopting unemployment insurance plans.

Unemployment insurance is a federal-state program jointly financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes

Straight communism. I don’t think unemployment is a bad thing when not abused, but it is certainly a social welfare program.

Anyhow, so far so good for engineering at Praxair. We’ll see what the next 12 months look like. I hope the steel industry doesn’t stay in the crapper for long.

god im going to be broke…wtf i dont feel like going downtown to fill shit out and i leave for florida in two days fuckk

You can try the site:

or Call but both are fucking poorly setup and didn’t work for me.

that’s what I used and same thing happened…filled out the form and all the other shit and it didn’t even save just error when I pressed complete

I was only making 8.50 an hr till june when I got a raise and was at 9.50 an hr. I was the new guy so I had to start at the bottom.

I feel pretty ripped off, I was making 400+ a week gross for quite some time and my unemployment is 150? uhhh

got laid off from Froghair around 11/30/08

lol my UE is 155 and i was making 400+

That’s because unemployment is designed to give you about 50% of your previous pay. Making what you made while employed will turn you into a JEG who is unmotivated to get a job.

Highest Quarter Pay of the last 4 Quarters/ 26 Weeks = UE Check

Making what you were making while employed is called a UAW Union, and we all know where they are going now.

still a toss up if i have my job or not.

I made 415 a week last year on unemployment.I went fucking nuts not working.I even took a job making $9.00hr(it lasted a week)

im very well aware of that… my 3 were from gardenview place fucked me over so bad on hrs so i wasnt making much at all. until i worked at Derrick…

seriously… not sure how people expect to be getting what they were making before. Max benefit is like $400 which would not even remotely pay my monthly bills. it’s not supposed to be paid vacation, it is supposed to let you survive until you can find another job.

Unless of course you are a UAW employee, in which case you’re good until all of the money is finally sucked out of the big 3

Bump for the repost.

(I’m still secure in my job, and actually hearing rumors about 2 more that could potentially get promoted/moved to. :shrug:)

i miss my job. however, i qualified for a special UE for full time students. so i won’t have a job for another ~six months.

Received my UE monetary benefit determination today. Maxed at $405/week.

not true at all, my UE was 25% of my salary, and I maxed it out…