Who hates their job?

I wouldn’t go that far. I look forward to Sat/Sun more than M-F, and if hit one of those eleventy-billion dollar lotto’s tomorrow people at work would be saying, “WTF happened to Jay, he just stopped coming to work?”, but I do like my job. :slight_smile:

I Like both of my jobs. I bartend at 2 bars, and they’re both pretty decent and have a lot of regulars so I’m not dealing with random drunk assholes every time I work. Obviously this isnt a career, but for now, it works.

Those people who win the lottery and say that they are still going to continue to work shouldn’t be allowed to continue to breath. Maybe if your job was to take the photos for Playboy or a porn star, yes, keep working, that’s about the only accepctable times.

I love working for the government. I don’t know what I do there, but I start at the crack ass of noon and they pay me weekly.

I just quit a job where i could do that. I’m much happier now.

I actually have a fantastic job that I consider myself very fortunate to have. Rarely stressed, I’m in an environment all day with creative people designing toys and products…not a bad gig at all. Part of the many perks is the game room downstairs where we play bubble when we need a break:) It’s beautiful.

Love my job. Pay is ok, but in 90 days i had a 30% increase… with another big one coming the first of the year. I’m in the boat where i do a lot of the same stuff, but not the same stuff every day. I do a bunch of IT stuff, design stuff, and labor stuff. I love the fact that every day consists of a well balanced combination of sitting, standing, walking, lifting, creating, etc…
I may just like it so much because it’s my first job where I have “real” responsibility, and people actually count on me. It’s much nicer than just being a replaceable number in a cubicle.

Oh, and the fully paid health, dental, vision, 2 weeks paid vacation, ect effective the day i started was really nice too.

I’ll be here for the rest of my working life. It’s nice to be appreciated.

I work for the biggest advertising firms in the country. Until Feb. I loved my job. I had my own office, only reported to the CFO, great benefits, awesome work atmosphere, 85% of the females in our office were 7+'s. Beer in every fridge and beer cart of fridays right by my office and could help myself whenever. Awesome work party’s, great people that I worked with.

Now, after a merger between offices, I was suppose to be let go, or took a basic finance job that I don’t need a degree for. I sit in a cube right next to the break room bathroom and printer. My current boss sucks and micro-manages. I have 2 supervisors but don’t report to either one and I am set up to not succeed. Only thing that keeps me sane until I find something else is all the hot girls that walk by to the break room and bathroom.


+1 to that, I love what I do.

I dont hate my job, but its not what i expected to do with 2 degrees, how hard i work directly relates to how much money i make (im in sales) so if i want to be lazy all day i can, and if I want to be the best at my store then i bust my ass and make decent money

money is always nice and im making twice as much as i would at a job in my “profession” but the hours can be ridiculous and I dont plan on being in this position for ever

my job is pretty incredible… been here almost 4 years and will stay for a while.

full autonomy
competitive salary and growing quickly
full benefits, phone, expenses, bonus, mileage, some travel, lots of entertaining
my own office beside the president
actually having an impact on an entire industry (for the better)
work with great leadership
company has a great rep and value prop

it would take A LOT to recruit me out of this.

i like my job but that past year has been a rough one…

we are super lean due to the economy and i’m on a pretty demanding project for a big client… its nice to have a job but not so nice to have a job that could support a few people. to make matters worse the project was supposed to be out the door at the end of june but since the client has no money to build at the moment they just keep letting the schedule stretch out. so instead of the typical couple of hard weeks to wrap everything up…it just keeps getting stretched out and decisions that have already been made get re-made…so all the additional time doesn’t make anything less intense…just more shorter periods of intensity.

then last week it is announced that the company may be involved in a merger with a huge operation out of canada…it probably won’t effect my having a job but it could really change the work environment…

for now i still like it… but by the end of the year i may just take a break for a while

I like what I do, dislike who I work for though… 4 more years and I can be doing this for myself


My job rocks for various reasons.

I install for Dish Network. I like my job most days. Rainy days like today suck. I’d rather work in 20 degree weather than rain. Rain just sucks.

The hours I work are crazy. 70 hours a week means a big paycheck but really no life.

I can’t picture myself doing this until I retire so I guess I’ll have to find something else at some point. But it’s cake work for what it is.

I ruin peoples lives for a living (hence badnews)… usually fun. not very rewarding… great pay, no benifits sucks, get to drive, alot, i love driving… I was going to look into somthing like sedlmiers/walkers carrier that would be i think my only move if I have the chance.

Side work that i do on VW’s out of my home is much more rewarding get to meet great people.

I love my job. I basically sell homes on wheels to very excited families. You have the average pissed off customer every now and then, but nothing I can’t handle. They pay for my training/traveling, the pay is good and I do very little manual labor.

The downfall is that I work long hours, the winters suck and I constantly am working. Email/cell on the go can be annoying.

Overall I’m pretty happy with my job, but it does have its days. Not enough to say I hate though.