Who is this guy?

Dude I think you are on drugs cause I didn’t say that to make me a stronger or better person or even more to make me “I guy that makes people shit their pants” you misunderstood what I wrote, but that is ok, people can think wherever they want to, I just said about years of martial arts to prove “at least in words” that I can go either way, but as I wrote I can go anyway all the way if it is what “you” desire and if droggone, is or not crazy, that is his problem but that he is been stupid to ask for someone that he knows, it is for sure, if he knows that I had to call the cops he knows for sure why.Not that I dislike or like someone but people should think twice before do something.
And by the way the same day that I had to call the cops and the person in this case had to call them too, We just had finish the night as We were before, no better friends no worst enemies.

ps:If someone wants to know who I’m, I don’t care them to come to my garage to talk (give me a call before decide to come,lol) I’m not as bad as some guys here are thinking.