Who knows the truth about my Audi?


and for christs sakes… stop it with the “THIS INTERNET POST IS BINDING LEGAL PROOF!!!11111” bullshit.

Internet posts do not hold legal weight.

Furthermore, any asshole that tries to actually refer to NYSpeed.com in a legal report should be banned. Don’t open that can of worms.
Why do you think the classifieds have disclaimers?


Heh… binding legal proof no, but internet chat/posting logs have been used in a court many times. And it’s more than enough when you include it with the guys name and cell phone number to make a tip to the DEC. It sounds like the Max was removed from Showoff’s post. Assuming the Audi was removed as well I really don’t care about this mess anymore, certainly not enough to report it.

Dawn getting paid or not was of no concern to me. If you want to give someone a cheap car, or any car for that matter, you’re just asking for trouble.