who thinks they went overboard with Classifieds?

I find your opinions about as useful as you find drinking alcohol so you’re pretty much ignored.

Way to dodge the question. You’ve been watching too much political stuff on TV lately huh? Your attitude here reminds me a lot of the Democrats when you ask them about the real progress being made in Iraq. Just change subjects and bash the person who asked the question.

Newmans want/desire for having a self moderated classified section has already been addressed as being stupid by both Fry and MikeRi24 so he doesn’t get a response.

What people don’t seem to understand is that this system is in place and is not going away so if people don’t want to use the classified system, no one is holding a gun to their head. I don’t know how much more clear I can make it.

If it proves not to work, we will change but again, I asked everyone to give it a chance and no one seems to want to do that so I don’t know what else I can tell you.

I guess you are like your conservative buddies in that it’s your way or the highway.

I don’t see a great solution.

Mods have lives of their own and can’t babysit the classifieds 24/7. They’ve done this to the best of their discretion and apparently have gotten sick of it.

Shutting the forum down is a double edged sword of killing all the bullshit but also killing any useful public discussion.

Self moderation isn’t a very good idea as you could never trust the feedback in the thread.

I say run this system for a month or 2 or 3 until we’ve gotten used to not posting in the classifieds section. Then replace it with a clear statement of rules, any violation of which will get you an X day ban. Something like “You may post relavent facts. You may ask the seller questions. You may negotiate with the seller. You may bump a thread that has not been active for 7 days. Any other posting for any other purpose will result in a 7 day ban.”

Fry, please run for president of the US. <3

I say let us mod our own FS threads, have the feedback turned back on. When you open the thread that you are interested in you have to check a box that says you agree to the terms etc. of nyspeed, then you can post comments. The terms could be that you understand you will be banned for bullshit posts, bumping, etc. Its in plain English and you would have to check the box to proceed, so there is no mistake if you make stupid posts that you will get banned. This way if you have something you may not be sure is relevant then you will keep it to yourself. Ok, lets give it a try. How that sound Mods?

:rofl: :lol: :biglaugh: :biglol: :violin2:


How many more fucking times do I have to say this…


I don’t know much about html/message board programming. How much of the stuff suggested in this thread is even possible?

“Just set it up so that anyone that posts something off topic gets zapped through the keyboard.”

matt, its your forum. people can bitch all they want. run it how you want to, and thats that. if people dont comply, then ban them. simple as that.

i dont care either way; however, peoples opinion of price/quality/whatever is being sold are not like cowbell.

:lol: :rofl: :biglol:

I still dont like it but until it proves to be an absolute failure it isnt going anywhere.

and i am thinking its going to be absolutely impossible for us to prove it is failing therefore it will never change.


The integrity of the database is paramount so we’re not gonna just let people start moving and deleting shit at a whim. However, giving YOU the ability to put whatever INTERACTION (via PMs posted at your discretion) in your particular thread that will help you sell your item is exactly what you can do now. The only difference is you don’t have to wait for a moderator to clean up a thread gone bad, and we don’t have to teach people how to use complicated forum tools (because NOBODY READS FAQS ANYWAY).

For the 19th time or so, WE WILL BE MAKING ACCOMODATIONS FOR THIS. We’ve already said we’re going to be bringing back the good/bad guy forum with some added twists and we are also going to look into fixing the iTrader function (feedback).

In the meantime, there is nothing stopping you from starting a thread in Gen Auto or Offtopic that says

-" Hey, I’m looking to buy a GTO, what should I look for when I go to look at it?"


-“Can someone come with me to check this out”?


  • "Is this car really not driven in the snow? "

So all the feedback (most of which is opinion/hearsay anyway)that you claim is absent is still there.

So basically what you’re saying is we can still shit all over someone’s FS thread, we just have to create a separate thread to do so?

You know that’s not what I am saying. But this just proves why the move was made in this direction. Thank You. :tup:

Wow this thread is ridiculous. This is clearly not a democracy where the people have a say ion anything. It is a deffinitally a dictatorship where what we think get shit on and means nothing. You can keep telling us to give it a try, but we all know how not to post in a thread, and how to PM someone. We can all see that it will hurt our sales and deter people from buying things because of the extra steps and blind buying.

RX3 and rubicant are both imbeciles.
RX3 if you really think that POSTING PMs is the same as people interacting in the thread, you’re a fucking retard.

Good plan guys. Good plan.

So you are complaining that you aren’t getting YOUR way? Last I checked, you have contributed about 0 to this site. I might consider taking your opinion into higher regard if you did but sadly, no.

Does your livelihood depend on this site to which you contribute nothing? If you can’t peddle your wares on here to the degree that you used to, are you going to the poor house?

Newman, we get it, you hate it like mostly everything else. It’s starting to become more redundant than usual. Your whining, complaining, etc is not going to change anything. You need some more of Stairs special 7up to chill out.