who's bike did i beat tonight?


:stfu: This has nothing to do with you or anything you should stick your nose into.


all i put was owned


all i put was owned


One comment to many!


One comment to many!




Please don’t make me start on you. They WILL NOT like you if you take their side, so just stop.



:stfu: This has nothing to do with you or anything you should stick your nose into.


no sense in beating up speedped to divert attention from who was getting their ass handed to them in the first place

Did I see my name here somewhere ? The only advice I could ever give would be to anyone ever considering getting work done by J&J to please reconsider. He has zero integrity and cannot be trusted.

ughh…everybody LOVES to take credit for work done, everybody LOVES to blame problems on the other… this is rediculous

turbo, jesse, chuck, butch, ive missed you all so much… this is like a reunion thread <3

<3 willis the beanis <3


man you guys are too fast for my liking :ohnoes:

ill stick to pickin on white honda hatches ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh


i prefer the black civic’s :slight_smile: some day ill get a rematch lol

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:60,topic:31391"”]

oh, my, god…at some of these responses…

some of you guys put bikes on the pedistal. only pussy goes on the pedistal


and liter bikes :wiggle:

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:106,topic:31391"”]

ughh…everybody LOVES to take credit for work done, everybody LOVES to blame problems on the other… this is rediculous


Wrong. Dead wrong yet again, because you are gullible and its a damn shame. One person is taking credit for everyone elses work. Pull your head out once in awhile and notice that, because you’re better than that.

T56 - Chuck, Jeeves and I
clutch - me
cam - Chuck
Dana60 - me
driveshaft made - Paul
fuel pump - me
nitrous kit - Spence
tuning - Chuck
mount nittos - Paul
hood prep - Jesse
everything else I cant think of right now bc your post annoys me- Pat & Jeeves

Who dont you see on that list turbo?

How many times do we have to beat this horse?! The fucking thing is in a full body cast, an on life support… Cant we just assume that we all knew what went on??? Hell you almost would have to live under a rock… (or a broken camaro) to miss it… or do we have to come on here time and time again and waste space with the same arguements OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!
The post was started about an fbody molesting a moped…err a 600… cant we stay on topic??? So what… JnJ’s a hack, and badass is a mullet toting, flannel wearing, inbread fbody owner…

Disclaimer: The views previously expressed are those of an X fbody owner and semi hack which give me to the ability to fbody bash and call someone a hack since i was once the recipient of suck comment… and it was ment as a joke so if you dont like it eat me…/end disclaimer.

There should be an internet restaining order. That or certain ppl should just understand that the fight will never be won in everyones eyes SO GIVE IT THE FUCK UP!! these thread are wasting important space that could be filled up w/ hotrodkids kiddy porn threads… jeez’s so please stop the bashing and get back on topic


How many times do we have to beat this horse?! The fucking thing is in a full body cast, an on life support… Cant we just assume that we all knew what went on??? Hell you almost would have to live under a rock… (or a broken camaro) to miss it… or do we have to come on here time and time again and waste space with the same arguements OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!
The post was started about an fbody molesting a moped…err a 600… cant we stay on topic??? So what… JnJ’s a hack, and badass is a mullet toting, flannel wearing, inbread fbody owner…

Disclaimer: The views previously expressed are those of an X fbody owner and semi hack which give me to the ability to fbody bash and call someone a hack since i was once the recipient of suck comment… and it was ment as a joke so if you dont like it eat me…/end disclaimer.


stfu no0b! :wink:


stfu no0b! :wink:


You are SOO lucky your multiple times bigger than me. (and older than dirt).

but really…your mad about the mullet thing right?? was that cool when you were “younger”? :lol:

inb4badasssayssomethingaboutmebeingabletogetagirl pregnentjustbylookinginherdirection


You are SOO lucky your multiple times bigger than me. (and older than dirt).

but really…your mad about the mullet thing right?? was that cool when you were “younger”? :lol:

inb4badasssayssomethingaboutmebeingabletogetagirl pregnentjustbylookinginherdirection


Please…the mullet will be back in style in no time! 2009 the Camaro comes back you know ?

yea well with any luck the brown 3rd gen will be back this summer :snky:

first of all, don’t talk to me like im a 12 year old, like i dont know shit, etc etc. its old. i never had a problem with you, yet i keep getting this. i have NO problem thinking for myself, so you can stop :deadhorse2: . i have NOTHING to gain from, and i am NOT sticking up for jason, so you can get that through your head RIGHT now. just like i am not putting you down in anyway. i always liked doing car shit with the big group, but there is a BIG sense of division here, and i have just within the last couple months realized how CHILDISH this is

from what i have seen first hand, it is like this:

cam, springs: mostly chuck, and a little jnj
nitrous: spence, jnj, chuck
intake: chuck, myself
trans swap: mark, chuck …? idk wasnt there
rear end/driveshaft: mark paul… ?
fuel pump: mark …?
hood prep: jesse
$100 paint work: myself for free :rolleyes:
tuning, tuning, tuning: chuck (o ya, showing up on my familys property (twice) after you talk shit about me. who the fuck do you think you are

for the record, the car sprayed perfect right out of the shoots. it is indeed a fast car.

to answer your question mark. whos name dont i see there?: JEEVES. which brings up something ive been meaning to get off my chest for QUITE some time. jeeves stands around being a wiseass, always adding his $.02. he never contributes to work. EXCEPT when he wants something. then he gets real nice until he gets what he wants. and he expects everything to be done “chop chop” and at little to no compensation. (you bought a 100$ cam tool…oooo woowwww) maybe THATS why the nitrous install was slow. maybe thats why i couldnt do your hood as quickly as you wanted, WHEN I HAD 3 FUCKING PRIOR JOBS NOT INCLUDING MY OWN CAR TO BOOT. dont THINK i didnt hear the whining you were doing about me. not to mention the TWO phonecalls you had to MY gf explaining how im “afraid to show up to a (rained out) spring BBQ because i was “afraid to be beat up by mark and paul””…amoung other stupid car shit she doesnt give a fuck about. what are you, 11 now?

everyone has faults. jason even says himself he is slow. sometimes he is nowhere to be found. mark is a hardhead. jeeves is a wiseass. im told im cocky. chuck can be an asshole at times. pat sniffles at night. cry me a fucking river :violin:

GET OVER IT. you guys take this shit WAY TOO SERIOUSLY

Stop making F-body owners look worse

K thanks


Stop making F-body owners look worse

K thanks


Yeah cause it’s really shitting on the good fbody name hahahaha j/k come one guys… mellow out cant we all just get along? :grouphug:


Yeah cause it’s really shitting on the good fbody name hahahaha j/k come one guys… mellow out cant we all just get along? :grouphug:


who are you?