Who's NOT Building a car right now??

Im completely over spending all my free time and money 8 months a year to drive something the other 4 and then drive a beater the rest of the time, Im finally buying a nicer dd for the first time in my life and this sr20 swap I just put into my coupe will hopefully not be coming back out for a LONG LONG time…

Im also down to only two cars and one 240 as opposed to 4 cars and two 240s like ive had for the last 3 years, feels good man

I basically am enjoying driving my skyline waaaay too much to work on the vert. And working 6 days a week/pouring all my money back into the business doesn’t really allow too much extra funds for extra extra car parts.

Soon though.[COLOR=“Silver”]

i enjoy no longer spending thousands on a project car

u still rollin the Audi

I am also going to add that I am saving up to buy a duplex/triplex next summer.

Well since 2006 i have been building my 240 as you know… but due to financial issues i am not even taking the car out this year. My hope was to break into 1:25s on cayuga (while still ka LOL), but looks like this will be next year. Obviously I didn’t get any parts this year either… I am driving my winter beater talon tsi… I will be getting tuesday my kognition design 72" wing though…

Next year though I definetely want the front and rear tubed and bn blister wide body installed…

On the to do list still is to get car fully caged (no rule/class, just light as possible, stiff as possible, weight saved while safe, illegal or not braces i care not for race class rules, i want this car to be eventually an unlimited class circuit car), the wing chassis mounted, design and install a front splitter, get rid of boosted brakes and go manual with a wilwood/tilton clutch/brake pedal and front/rear mbc setup, lighten car more (still will need to get frp doors, hood, trunk), will have to decide what sort of lexan glass to use… for the door i want to use a sliding fixed window, work on a full flat underbody, s14 subframe, driftworks’ spindles, spl LCAs, or what one guy is thinking of redesigning at least for the front down south, LS1/2/3/6 v8 + t56… this is the plan for the car as it goes on… no definite time set but it’ll get done when it gets done… this is the planned to do list… im sure there’s alot of doubters but ive gone a long way :slight_smile:

I just miss driving the car though :-/ Going faster is always fun… but going at all is just as important LOL… eh… family/financial priorities first, hobby second/errr last.

It’s funny… when you’re broke and young but love going fast you’ll get whatever you can grab… but you end up spending so much… and then you realize as you mature you could have paid for a viper or vette in monthly installments instead of spent countless thousands. Then again I wana go faster than any vette or viper lol :slight_smile: I just wish I began with an fd rx7 and not a 240 oh well… so since im deep in the shitter as is, might as well go all the way and do it as best as it can go. Can’t wait to see the day when I realize my full plan/dream with this car and finish it all as I want to.

That thread I made about the s30 with a chevvy smallblock is what inspires me… I wish I could take that guy’s car lol… he has a hardcore raw alpha male car… circuit ready… yet road legal (insert shifty eyes LOL)


Quick google the grey/matte s30 with tubbed front… the bad ass of all badass… totally inspirational…

This inspires me every time I see it to complete my project car :slight_smile: Some day i will be done lol…

Bring it to blo and im down to help ya!

Spend to much time and money on 4 wheelers :frowning:

^lol i want to get a superbike that is all :smiley: Cheap, fast, good on gas… /thread lol. A friend of mine was selling his yamaha r1 turbo’d (yup)… for 5000$… what a steal… but I didnt have money at the time lol… lucky guy whoever got it (if they havent crashed with it already LOL)

There’s nothing wrong with taking your time for projects. I bought my 68 in boxes in 1988, i finally put it on the road in 2005. life gets in the way,(wives, houses, kids etc…) the chevelle i’m doing now i dont forsee being done for years. but its there if i feel like touching it i do, if not it sits in the corner, nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes things do get tied up in a house. It’s way easier to drop coin on a house than it is on a car. At least with the house you know you’re getting something in return for it.


i thought about a car project… im just enjoying the new car as it is for now, debating whether i want a new bike/ fun car… time will tell

no project right now. once funds allow there will be a motor swap.

yes sir