Why is everyone selling their turbos hondas?

i am trying to get into one and i see everyone is selling them. How come? FWD, overplayed, i dont get it

because they are loud, very common, unsafe, uncomfortable, and not practical…

i have one, i will never drive it on the road again… (track next year only!)

i also have a gti… much safer, more reliable, comfortable X100, and much more practical (abs, traction control) etc, etc… it however gets 25 mpg city and 32-35 highway running apr tuned 93 octane flash…

and i would never turbo my honda thats for sure

People grow up?

Civics lol



I’m allowed to say that. I’ve had three! :slight_smile:

I love my slow pig to death. But ugh.

i used to think it’d be madd cool & cheap to turbo a honda, now that i’ve grown up enough to trust other people like hybrid to build & tewn it for me


however, i’ve grown up enough to want something else if i want a fast car

idk but sell them to the kids at NYI tonight…

5-6 turbo hondas…none of which could break out of the 14s or 100mph traps.


because I was not there

me and the firehawk either beat or broke them all this year… they are all buying american now :ohnoes:

You still trying to find the missing pieces of your tranny??


Seriously i wish you came to the track these kids need a roll model…

lol I got 1 today, lets race on friday

I won’t be at the track on Friday…maybe some saturday…

Should be fun to watch you out trap me but 15-20mph :pimp:

shit happens.

It doesn’t matter whether your driving a honda, F body, SUV, lawnmower, space shuttle, big wheel.

In the end it costs relatively the same amount of money to go fast and reliable. Everyone I have talked to has about the same amount of money sunk into (XXX car here) to get to where they want to be.

Many people are realizing that unless you take it step by step it can become a very slippery slope. It gets expensive especially if you are trying to do things the right way the first time. It’s more money up front but less hassle and less money down the road.

It’s all about self control. If you can keep control of the urge to do it all now now now then it can be fun and rewarding but too many people ( this generation) are very big on instant gratification. Gotta have it now now now. Gimme Gimme Gimme.

That’s fine and all but you gotta pay to play. Another thing is that it isn’t now or ever going to get cheaper. As I speak, prices are raising across the board on parts etc. Why? you may ask. Well. Raw materials and fuel are not going down there fore overhead is ever increasing. Labor goes up etc. It’s a viscious cycle. That’s life.

I suggest if you are going to ENJOY this hobby we call cars to do this. Get a daily driver you don’t touch. Then sit down and really think about what it is you want out of a car. Plan it out. Stick to the plan, save your pennies and begin. Stick to your plan and budget. If you can add to the budget always good if not stick to the budget. Do what needs to be done. Get the car where you want it and enjoy it. Keep the fun in the hobby not the stress. If the car breaks oh well…you still have a daily to drive and get from point A to point B and on weekends occasionally point C :P.

Go back to the car when you want to not because you have to to get to work or around etc.

Don’t let the car own you.

That is all. Boost on.

let me know and I go

EBC’s suck

??? you break something?

Because you bought one.

Well either that or a lot of people with hondas are having project anxiety.

Hondas suck.

IM keeping mine though.

i hate you

on a side note it just seems that everyone is getting out of cars period. The more guys I talk to the less they care about cars. Its funny to because they make more money now then they did before which means they have “play”. Thats cool, its the same with guys riding sport bikes, not straightliners but real riders. Most of them are getting out of the fear of getting hurt. I understand that. To me it just seems that the hobbies of cars and bikes are dying out around here. Look on the board, most people are selling things to move on.