why is nyspeed requesting that i download search.php and index.php???


made me giggle

i :heart: mysql. i wish i could use it at work. fuck this gui datamining crap.

Any of you try PostgreSQL?

I’ve got it running the user authentication on our FTP server as well as a couple other internal applications. So far I’m pretty impressed. I haven’t really put much of a load on it yet though.

ok i’m seriously not trying to attack you on this one… i really don’t know why you are sitting there critiquing what i am saying…

all i was really trying to say is that it sucks that you can’t bring the 80 hacks with you if you upgrade… not that you HAVE TO upgrade…

christ untwist your balls or something

this is still happening to me at work…

and we still need an upgrade :bloated:

but it doesn’t do it at home or at kyle’s in socal… what gives?

your browser caught teh ghey

reinstalling firefox fixed this problem

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare vb_error_handler() (previously declared in /home/gisuplim/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php:2966) in /home/nyspeed/public_html/forums/includes/init.php on line 30