Why the internet is a scary place:

So, as many of you know, I wrecked my car last Friday 5/15. I’ve been pulling my hair out all weekend waiting to hear back from the insurance company on the value of the totaled slut. Finally I received the news yesterday, it’s good news, I should make out pretty well and bought the car back for a ridiculously cheap price. So she’ll live on in another chassis, or maybe even live on in the current severely distorted chassis. Idk yet.

  Anyways, after my adjuster gave me the values for everything, she said she was sending some paperwork to fill out in order to pay off the car through my bank.  She tells me to notify the bank that the car is a total loss and to authorize a pay off from my insurance company.  So today, I call SEFCU and after waiting like 10 minutes in queue, I get this chick on the phone.  She's got one of those scratchy, but SUPER hot voices.  So immediately visions of Tara Reid (6 years ago Tara Reid, not worn alligator purse Tara Reid of today) dance through my head.  I talk to her for a while, let her know about the insurance deal, she notes my account.  We hang up and my first thought it 'damn I wish I could put a face to that voice' just for my own sanity.  

  Sooooo I flash back to the beginning of our convo when she said her name.  Bring up facebook, tick in her name....


I should have known :shifty

hahahahahahahaaaaa thats awesome. what was her name?? my sister works for SEFCU at the headquarters, id love to ask her about this girl

I HATE when that happens.

When I first started at this company, there were a lot of people to meet. We have about 700 employees. I’d get calls from TOTALLY hot sounding females only to find out they are about 35 years old (I’m 22) and NOT attractive. Hated that. Now I know who is hot and who is not…and man…this one girl in call center…oops, I just came.

Sa r ah Cus ack.

I broke it up to make it so it doesn’t pop up when she googles her name :rofl


Hilarious stalker stuff.

I always worked with one of our clients over the phone, sounded hot, I facebooked her and she is 25 and pretty good looking. Sad story, I know.

that’s fuckin awesome dude… i lol’d hard as hell…

Also, just so you guys know:

[COLOR=Green]eSurance is the fucking JAM[/COLOR]

Seriously, they were WAAAYYYY cheaper than any other insurance company I could have went with, so naturally I was worried about this whole claims situation. But I must say it went AWESOME, great customer service, the offer was perfect! I was so worried about what they would offer but it went swimmingly.

wow eFailance came through for you, im SHOCKED.

i still love my Allstate and its cheapy cheapness

Yeah, companies like that you have to get in good with to start. Like I doubt it was very cheap when you first got it. Over time without accidents they’ll drop your rates down hardcore, right?

Well…I kind of have 3 accidents and a handful of moving violations on my record in the 4 years I’ve been licensed. Two of the three accidents were $10k+ :shifty

I suck! :rofl

Good for you, I have heard horror stories about them re: claims.

actually, i went from GEICO to Allstate, and my rates went through the floor. saved 1200 for 6months… plus better coverage… ive been with allstate now for 5 years and would never look back

4 points… my insurance went down after the ticket.

when i got allstate i had 1 at fault. – still went down.

i have 100$ comp deductible, 200$ collision, NYS maximums… still VERY cheap.

Nice! When you buy a house, umbrella everything under your homeowners insurance, that’s what I do now. Supra is $50/month.

I have Allstate as well. Don’t plan on leaving unless someone can offer a significant price drop. I check every year or two.

Me too! Luckily I wasn’t one of them, but the main thing I’ve heard is that after an accident they’ll either drop you from coverage totally, or totally jack your rates up. We’ll see.

:eek :wtf God damn.

Good to know!

yeah man, i used to have allstate renters. 86$ a year for that, but i dont need it ATM… but with renters my rates went down about 5%

Im about to go to Allstate from Geico, especially after this last disaster I had with Geicos claims department. Rediculous.


No way, I <3 the gecko. :hug

The caveman commercials are getting realllll old

:rofl excellent use of the term “hogbeast”