It’s 2:37am right now and all I can hear out of my window is retards on central ave.There has been tire screeching for the past half hour. I also almost got hit by a car passing somone in the midean tonight. The ass came out around another car into my lane and then into the midean. Almost took out the front end of my girlfriends civic. This shit is getting outta hand.
Cause everyone is a racecar driver on Friday night d00d.
It sounds like there is a hardcore drift event going on right now.
I would rather hear cars than where my dad lives, fukin boomin systems and yelling for no reason up and down the street.
Calm down, I just got my 240SX, I wanted to test it out.
Oh… OK then.
had some d00d blow by us in the median on central as well.
frank where waz you at tonight?
Got outta work at 11:30. Snapped an axle agian in the civic, then went to denny’s.
gaygaygaygaygay you need to buy some good ones
i snapped axles all the time last year. i know the feeling
how many axles have you snapped? id look into why they are snapping. bad suspension components, wheel hop, or abuse.
Sounds like the PR race crew. Fastest 17 second cars around.
Did anybody go to any of the lots last night?
that would be a certain teal hatch
umm no. there were people at kmart lot doing donuts from the sounds of it…
oh yeah and why do you just randomly show up by yourself and try to hang out with us, when none of us know you/like you
thanx for the info man, i woulda stayed away time if i’d known that…
besides i figured there would be some sr going on so i’d let rubin know the spot was blown up with cops
move to the country, lol
I heard the same thing last night! People are fuckkng crazy it was right on central ave. If you drive by rt155 by BK there are huge skid mark marks across all 5 lanes. WTF
It’s abuse, And advance auto axles.