windows vista

Makes me hate everything. I want to kill people.

So it’s working properly I take it?

I just bought a new Dell Inspiron laptop with vista home edition. After some tweaking, I actually like it much better than XP,

that’s because you’re a retard.

it’s really not that hard to figure it out.

once u figure it out, its not bad at all, it has grown on me a lot

what is there to figure out?

turn the pc on and use it.

It has its quirks but is a far more superior desktop os then anything else on the market.

What are you having issues with?




Same here. Got a new Dell Desktop back in February and I LOVE Vista. We use the computer for internet, photo storage and photo editing and it has not given us one problem the entire time we have had it. It is a lot faster to use than XP also (this is partly due to more RAM though too).

I have vista on the same hardware as I had xp and it runs better.

I just bought a new desktop with vista. I’m having some compatibility issuse with some older software/hardware, but other than that, it’s not a bad system. Definitely nowhere near as bad as it’s reputation.

Yeah, my 5 year old wireless keyboard and mouse weren’t compatible, but my printer, cameras, and all of my software were fine. I just use the wired keyboard and mouse that came with the computer and threw away the wireless stuff.

I’ve had no problems… think it’s decent

can anyone explain to me one thing it does better than XP?

well i went from windows 95 to vista so i really have nothing to compare it to. i dont use all that fancy pants media center shit.